Z-Wave got weird

Up until now I have had mostly Zigbee devices. I do have two Zooz motion detectors which are Zwave they are both outside, but within 30 feet of my Hubitat. I have a Zwave repeater outside, about 15 feet from my hub, 5 feet from one Zooz detector and 25 feet from the other.

All of this has worked fairly solidly for a month at least.

Tonight I added a Zooz 4 in 1 Zwave detector in my bathroom. It is about 20 feet from the hub and 25 feet from the repeater.

All seemed OK for a while. Then , one at a time over the course of an hour or so, all three of the Zooz detectors went active and then stopped activity. It did not all happen at the same time. The hang ups happened over an hour or so.

I tried tripping the detectors but they stayed stuck in active mode.

I finally rebooted Hubitat and once again triggered all three detectors . They all did their thing and when they went inactive (30 seconds) Hubitat saw that.

So, what seems to have happened is that the addition of a new battery powered detector upset the network somehow.

I’ll check logs tomorrow to see if they are still working but my question is can simply adding a battery powered motion detector to a Zwave network mess things up like this?

In reality adding a battery powered device should not, unless it's spamming the hub with 1000's of messages.
Do you have a C5 or C7 hub?
post your previous logs from the time of the lockup

C7. I’ll have to wait until tomorrow to post the logs but basically they all went active at different times and then just “ disappeared “

As far as you can tell did the battery powered motion detector add properly to your mesh? Can you see active/inactive status for the new device on its device page, and does it show up in your Z-Wave Details page looking normal? Normal can include (for battery Z-Wave devices) looking like this - this device works fine for me, reports open/closed, but often shows up like this in my details page.

Crazy im debugging this right now. Im working on upgrading from a C-4 to a C-7. I added all my hardwire zigbee yesterday, all my hardwire Zwave this morning, and battery zwave tonight. All was working fine until i added the battery Zwave items. I have no digital control over my zwave devices still on the C-7 Hub. Glad im not the only one, as i wouldnt believe it otherwise.

Just removed my zooz 4in1 and i have control over my zwave devices again. @bcopeland do you know if this is fixable for the c-7? I have used a Zooz 4in1 with no issue on a C-4 and C-5.

Just for another data point, I added a zooz 4in1 to my c7 yesterday and am not seeing any problems with zwave control.

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Here is the log for one of my 2 outdoor Zooz detectors. Note that it went active at 7:54 PM and that was the end of it until I rebooted the hub round 10:00 PM.

motion inactive ZoozMotion2 motion is inactive DEVICE 2020-09-10 01:44:21.788 AM EDT
motion active ZoozMotion2 motion is active DEVICE 2020-09-10 01:43:35.695 AM EDT
motion inactive ZoozMotion2 motion is inactive DEVICE 2020-09-10 01:37:30.454 AM EDT
motion active ZoozMotion2 motion is active DEVICE 2020-09-10 01:36:32.091 AM EDT
motion inactive ZoozMotion2 motion is inactive DEVICE 2020-09-10 01:34:13.026 AM EDT
motion active ZoozMotion2 motion is active DEVICE 2020-09-10 01:33:39.752 AM EDT
illuminance 10 lux ZoozMotion2 illuminance is 10lux DEVICE 2020-09-09 10:38:31.628 PM EDT
motion inactive ZoozMotion2 motion is inactive DEVICE 2020-09-09 10:07:32.821 PM EDT
motion active ZoozMotion2 motion is active DEVICE 2020-09-09 07:54:21.736 PM EDT
motion inactive ZoozMotion2 motion is inactive DEVICE 2020-09-09 09:28:01.728 AM EDT
motion active ZoozMotion2 motion is active DEVICE 2020-09-09 09:27:30.087 AM EDT

Here is for the "Zooz 4 in 1"... same thing... it goes active at 9:27 and stayed that way until I rebooted the hub.

motion inactive Zooz4in1Motion1: motion is inactive DEVICE 2020-09-09 10:07:49.158 PM EDT
motion active Zooz4in1Motion1: motion is active DEVICE 2020-09-09 10:07:36.129 PM EDT
motion inactive Zooz4in1Motion1: motion is inactive DEVICE 2020-09-09 10:02:56.321 PM EDT
motion active Zooz4in1Motion1: motion is active DEVICE 2020-09-09 09:27:09.094 PM EDT
illuminance 0 lux Zooz4in1Motion1: illuminance is 0lux DEVICE 2020-09-09 08:47:50.669 PM EDT
motion inactive Zooz4in1Motion1: motion is inactive DEVICE 2020-09-09 08:46:12.989 PM EDT
motion active Zooz4in1Motion1: motion is active DEVICE 2020-09-09 08:40:43.245 PM EDT

As of right now (6:30 AM), all 3 of my Zwave devices seem to be working once again. All seems normal since I rebooted the hub.

Here is from my "Z-Wave details page". I wished I looked here before the reboot but I did not....

Node Status Clusters Device Security Route

0x01 (001) OK in: , out: S2 Access Control
0x07 (007) OK in: 0x5E, 0x55, 0x98, 0x9F, out: ZoozMotion1 S2 Authenticated
0x08 (008) OK in: 0x5E, 0x26, 0x33, 0x70, 0x85, 0x59, 0x72, 0x86, 0x7A, 0x73, 0x5A, out: Aeotec ZWave Range Extender 1 (back porch) None 01 -> 08 100kbps
0x09 (009) OK in: 0x5E, 0x55, 0x98, 0x9F, out: ZoozMotion2 S2 Authenticated 01 -> 08 -> 09 40kbps
0x0A (010) OK in: 0x5E, 0x98, out: Zooz4in1Motion1 S0

Maybe add the 4 in 1 back in and see if a reboot helps for you as well?

The Zooz 4-in-1 devices (ZSE40) pair in S0 security mode on a C7. S0 is chatty and puts stress on both the device and the hub. I found that using them seemed to cause issues with the mesh (though that was a couple of firmware versions in the past). The issues definitely caused the batteries to drain in a couple weeks. The only way to get them to pair without security is to use a secondary Z-Wave controller and the PC Controller software.

FWIW, I do recall that I was not asked for a security key when I installed the 4 in 1, but I WAS asked for the last digits of the security key when I installed both of the regular Zooz motion detectors.

Here is an added bit of info, in case it matters...

When I was setting the ZSE40 up, I played with the settings a few times (time delay to go inactive and also the sensitivity). I did this because they were not "sticking". I now realize that by default it might take up to 12 hours for the device to "wake up" and accept such updates (or I could have stuck a paper clip into the hole if I wanted it to happen immediately). I did see several pending commands on the device's status page. They are no longer there, and the device seems to have accepted the updates. Is there a buffer for such things, and can the buffer get full and overflow, messing all of Z-Wave up?

It does not ask, S0 does not use a use user-enterable key. There is no on-device way to control pairing. The only way to pair insecurely on a C7 is to use the secondary controller.

These devices were not usable in S0 mode in my setup. Now paired without security they are working OK.

I do have mine paired in S0 as the above info shows.

It worked for a while last night (an hour or two) before the whole network went nuts.

After I rebooted at 10 PM it started working again. I just looked at the device history on my phone ap (11:30 AM) and it appears that the Z-Wave devices are still working.

Are you still showing no routing for the two devices (07 & 10) on your Z-Wave Details page?

@danabw I still (12 noon) have the same Z-Wave info... identical to 5 hours ago.

Based on some recent comments from @bcopeland about how to use Z-Wave repair since .145, rather than trying individual Z-Wave repairs, I'd try a full Z-wave repair.

If that doesn't help, I'd remove both of them and re-pair them.

And let's see if @bcopeland has any other suggestions.


I did a Z-Wave repair about an hour ago when I went home for lunch. My Range extender came up with "Failed". I reinstalled it, ran a repair again... no more fails.

I'll let it run for a while and see what happens.

I am starting to like Zigbee a whole lot better than ZWave.

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As near as I can figure by looking at my phone ap, the 4 in 1 went active once again around an hour ago and has stayed that way ever since. There are two other motion detectors (Zigbee) in the same room that register as inactive.

I wanted to use this Zooz motion detector in my bathroom because it has a humidity sensor in it.

I'm done with it for now... too much grief. I just saw that the Iris IL07 (Zigbee) also has a humidity sensor in it, so I just ordered a couple of those.

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As I said, the Zooz sensors work fine on a C7 if you can pair them unsecured. The NYCE Zigbee sensors also have humidity. They're more expensive, but batteries should last longer.