my generic Z-Wave drapes have been working fine since I purchased in 2018...
however, was running on 2.123 for a a few weeks and out of the blue they are no longer responsive. I've since upgraded lately to latest Hubitat firmware which did not fix the issue.
I have two drape controllers, one for sheer and one for blackout. I've gotten to the point where I tried to remove and re-add the sheer one, but now Im stuck at Start Z-Wave Inclusion.
It just says "Found a Z-Wave device, initlizing..." and time runs out. Very sad as my drapes are automatically drawn back during mornings and closed during evenings.
You have one ghost, or a device that fell off the network for some reason (0x0C). Unplugged maybe? That could be interfering with things and should be resolved before doing much more.
What brand/model is that first device in your mesh? Why is it paired S0?
You have very few devices, I am surprised that you had a stable network in the first place. Typically it takes about 2-3 times that many devices to have a stable mesh. I would advise more line-powered devices or dedicated repeaters to strengthen the mesh. The locks don't repeat, so you really only have maybe 4-5 devices to form a mesh network.
This recent thread from about here on might help to give some insight to a similar situation as yours.
This is probably the issue. Lack of repeaters in good locations (sure mains based stuff are repeaters but a lot of them are in metal boxes cutting down on signal)