I did not see them either. Was looking to see if they had routes and/or neighbors. But, they were not in his original Z wave table layout (suggesting they were ones that he had removed and tried to re-pair - which potentially became "ghosts").
But, I am still just a slightly better than average amateur who sometimes easily sees potential issues and rarely knows the "correct" fix. Just thought I would ask (and maybe learn something in the process myself)
Over the last week I have converted to LR my battery devices that could be converted to LR.
AF (formerly 8d above), & B0 (formerly 21 above) are zooz zen71 & honeywell switches, respectively (that I re-paired this week to see if they're LR or not, wasn't sure if the zooz was a 700 or 800, and had no clue the model of the honeywell). Long story - I didn't want to pair them as LR as they're both about 10 feet directly below the hub, just wanted to see if they could be paired as LR so I could move them and use that LR functionality for some far-away switches. These are currently my only non-LR devices that I paired via smartstart.
Yesterday I replaced my 2 furthest-away switches with LR Zooz Zen71 800s. (Backyard Fountain & Backyard Pergola), those likely aren't reflected on the red/blue topology chart.
I wouldn't say the hub location can't be the issue, but it's worked there for 5 years. I's in a closet, up high, nearly dead center of my house. I could remove it from the closet, but that'd be less than ideal. I could put it in a more open area, but then it'd be right next to one of my APs. not sure that'd matter as it'd be hard-wired and I use hardly any wifi devices, only 2 or 3 at most.
So first time using topology chart. Am I right in thinking that looking at the 1st row or 1st column, the hub, any devices that are red cannot see the hub? If this is the case, these are the devices that cannot see the hub with some notes:
Why do those two in the basement surprise you?
I've had problems where a ZEN16 was directly under the hub upstairs.
Likely 'cause of the antenna thing I noted earlier.
The surprise me because I have 5 switches within 5 feet of each other. 3 of them are Zooz Zen71s and 2 are Honeywells. The 2 zooz & 1 honeywell that I paired using the hub's pairing method connect directly to the hub. The Zooz & Honeywell I used smartstart with to re-pair the other day cannot communicate with it. Seems odd.
EDIT: not entirely true on the brand counts. The 5 is actually 6 in the same area (2 different 3-gang boxes right next to each other).
Gang 1: Honeywell (B0), Zooz (AF), GE (38) (horrible mix of brands, I know)
Gang 2: Homeseer (1E), GE (1B), Zooz (57)
So of those 6, the only 2 that don't connect directly are the 2 I repaired the other day using smartstart
So, are the two that are different ALSO facing a different direction and possibly facing interference from the casings they are installed in? For instance, I have one set of switches in my master bath (Farthest room from the hub, and up the stairs through multiple walls) that are also in a metal enclosure where the opening faces away from the hub. This created an issue where I needed a repeater on a wall that the signal could actually get to. It's not just distance and relative location to the hub that is a factor. Sometimes, there are odd things that can block a signal. (Still just an amateur throwing ideas out there)
I'm not sure of the enclosure. What else is odd about those 2 is that the route on z-wave details for both says it connects directly to the hub, but it says otherwise on the topology chart. I'm not sure I believe the chart on these 2:
It will get you better insight into the details and neighbors for each node (click the arrow to expand them out) without having to decipher the topology map.
FYI, I've gone over a week with the z-wave network up. I suspect it was a GE permanently-wired receptacle that I had outside my home that powered some fence lights. It is easily my furthest-away device, and while it is Z-Wave plus, it is not LR. It had MANY opportunities to Mesh back to the hub, and usually worked, but I simply unpaired it from my hub as a test on a whim and so far so good. We'll see what happens. Odd thing is, that's been out there since 2018 and this problem never surfaced until a few months back. Obviously many things have changed as I'm always doing something new, but still, will report back in a month or so if my z-wave is still doing well.
Ya know , Ive been having some weird zwave issues lately and just been doing the reboot thing. You might be onto something . Maybe I need to just pull power for a minute and then start again .
I have also been going LR on any new stuff. Not going crazy pulling old stuff and replcing and my mesh is pretty healthy. To me anyway LR makes a big difference. My Zooz ZSE11 and ZSE18 motion sensors are just as fast as my hue motion sensor that they will be replacing.