Z-Wave Distance Getting Worse with More Devices

No you can keep it as is.

While it is strange that having many more devices seems to have given me range issues where I didn't have any before, moving the hub about 5' in one direction seems to have cured that.

But, I still have the final issue of my hub still becoming non-responsive in that it will not carry out any rule. But, I'll either go back to a similar thread or start a new one about this issue.

The problem is that the zwave radio goes into an non-responsive state. The hub itself continues to operate and you can verify that by watching the zigbee radio and hub apps continue to function. Almost every time I come across this, it's a device on the zwave mesh that is causing the issue. Depending on the severity of the mesh spam it could slow things down or lockup in other areas of the hub such as apps.

Can you post a screenshot of your entire zwave settings page and maybe we can see something that stands out.

I see some "non-responsive hub" threads, but they seem pretty old, so I'm going to start a new thread with a more apt title than this one. I'll post the Z-Wave tables there.