Z wave devices not working anymore

Hub mesh is a protocol for one hubitat hub to use devices paired to a second hubitat. Pertinently, it has nothing to do with z-wave or zigbee mesh networks.

They have to be removed. The only way to do it with a C-5 (or lower) is to use a secondary z-wave controller, like a UZB stick, and PC Controller from SiLabs.

@danabw has documented this process in detail. Here is a link to his instructions:


seems to be pretty tricky. do you really think this is the problem because acually it only stops working at one point during the night

wouldn't the problem be persistent then

Likely. It matches my experience from several years ago.

Yes. And that is what you are observing. The situation is alleviated by reboot, which clears the z-wave radio queue. And then over the course of the day (and depending on device usage), the queue gets filled again with transmits and re-transmits

The C-7 provides greater visibility of mesh details along with some approaches to remove ghost nodes.


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