Z-Wave devices not adding when Zigbee is enabled

My new hub would not detect my ZWave devices until I disabled Zigbee. I have no Zigbee devices in the house, but detection was reporting that it was initializing 3 of them that never seemed to complete. I intend to add Zigbee devices, so I want to figure out if the 3 devices it sees are maybe part of the stick or normal.

There should be nothing found if there are no Zigbee devices within reach of the hub that are in pairing mode. Not sure what your 3 Zigbee devices are. Can you click the small "more" link when they appear to show more data about them. Then screen capture that information and post it here. Maybe someone can help identify what they are?

I think maybe is neighbors zigbee devices? Because he said no zigbee devices at his home, that's weird..

They never finish initializing so never get the more info. I never considered it could be a neigbor's! They are pretty low tech folks and 40 foot and 4 walls from the hubitat device. I think they may have a cable company installed security system so that's possible.

Is there a way to tell Hubitat to ignore those ID's if it really is the neighbor's?

No idea, tagging @bravenel and @mike.maxwell they can give you a better direction.

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That’s annoying.

Those MACs belong to MMB Research who makes a variety of IOT modules. Could be a cable box or possibly smart meter. Who knows.

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I've taken the Hub and devices to a remote location and confirmed it doesn't see them there, so it has to be a neighbor's device. How do I blacklist the neighbors devices?

I don't believe you can. In fact, I don't if any platform allows for blacklisting. It's certainly an interesting feature to consider.

Wow, that's a great question. I have heard of some other devices recently that behave exactly like what you're seeing... Could they possibly be some old Lowes Iris v1 devices? Those will sit initializing forever.

You could also build a Faraday cage to be used when pairing devices... :wink:

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I think a device blacklist is a really good idea, actually. I can see this being more and more useful in dense areas (apartment buildings, etc).