Z-Wave classes docs very RAM/CPU intensive

@bertabcd1234 Any way the z-wave command classes docs could be fixed so it does not crush my RAM and CPU just trying to open it? I have tried in inCognito tabs as well to be sure its not some sort of plugin I have or a caching issue, still takes forever to load and crushes my browser. Chrome 126.0.6478.127

I'm not sure; we don't have much control over how the underlying platform "renders" the content, though it does quite a bit when we save it so I know it doesn't try to re-do it from source on each page load or anything unusual like that. My guess is some combination of the fact that it's a fairly long doc and the fact that the backend was also written in (ugh) JavaScript. A look through their forums, issues, etc., suggests some people see the same from time to time, possibly worse the larger your site is, but I don't think ours is that large...

FWIW, it only takes a few seconds to load for me on Firefox 128 on an M1 Pro Mac and apparently quite a bit of processor for that time but nothing I would have noticed if this didn't prompt me to look. Some browsers may be worse than others, I suppose? It's possible a future update to the platform (or the next major version, which has been in the works for years) might change things.

One workaround for now would be to just save the page locally and consult that instead if you need it a lot; obviously that won't get page updates, but those aren't that frequent on this page (you'll probably see in the release notes if a command class is updated or added, for example).

Yes good idea, I will try making a local copy for now, maybe even a PDF file or something that is static. If I get a decent PDF file is it something you could post a link to at the top of the doc so other people could download it?

Thanks! Not sure about that, however--asset hosting on the platform is kind of interesting as well and works best for images (and even then I wished it worked differently...).

I guess the other thing we could do is split the page up, perhaps alphabetically, but that seems worse to me than just waiting a few extra seconds for the page to load. Otherwise, hopefully an update will address issues like this at some point.

May not be, for me even once loaded it is very slow to browse around on it also, and it may lock up my browser at any time. One machine I use is a fairly new and powerful laptop but the other is an older mini PC I use for some dev stuff. Does not seem to work great on either system.

I will play around with saving it locally.

Trying to open it in Edge, it just spins forever and never loads...
At least it is taking too long for me to wait before I give up and close it.

Oh.. finally got something besides a white screen after 30+ seconds and my CPU is maxed out.

FWIW, on my Win laptop in Chrome it took 33s to open the page first time, and 43s the second time. Once loaded scrolling via mouse wheel up/down was fast/normal. Scrolling via page up/down was herky-jerky, w/delays and jumpy behavior. Moving to new sections of the page via the list on the right took about 3s.

While the command classes page was open, HE community tabs completely locked up and were inaccessible. Other tabs on other sites still worked, but some were slowed down. I have multiple Chrome windows open w/multiple groups of tabs in each window, so I'm running w/a pretty good load on Chrome.
W/command classes page open:

After closing: The CPU figure was moving between 9% and 20%, memory stayed in the 80s.

Gave it a few tries on DuckDuckGo (only site opened) and crashed each time:

In Firefox (and this being the only site open in FF) it was fast and smooth in all operations, really nice.

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I see you using Greenshot, if you want to take it to the next level, check out ShareX https://getsharex.com/ It takes a little more adjusting but once setup how you like it, works awesome.

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Thanks...screen caps are kind of a "thing" for me, I seem to take dozens a day, so always interested in a new toy! :wink:

OMG what a PITA to set up - just getting it to put my caps in a folder I wanted w/out trying to organize them by subfolder was painful, and it told me it had to restart a couple of times when I changed the target folder and when it restarted it lost all the other changes I had made. But it is undeniably cool. :slight_smile:

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You are way more picky than me. All I do is change the primary print screen mapping to be like greenshot where its the drag a box screenshot. And then make it so it always pops up the options afterwards. Basically I configured it to be like Greenshot!

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Horses for courses. :slight_smile:

I don't like options to pop up after a screenshot, I want it to get the shot and move on as that is what I want 99 out of 100 times. My preferred capture process is the same so also set up Sharex the same way.

One limitation on Greenshot is that the capture would not work on some system windows unless I manually started the capture from the icon - printscreen button would not work. Hoping ShareX won't have that same limitation.'

Thanks for pointing me at this...has pretty much anything I'll ever need.

I have been using https://www.irfanview.com/ for years both on my work and home machines. I like it b/c I can also edit/markup.
I have never heard of sharex. I will try it out.

ShareX is crazy-level configurable, and has more options and features than you can shake a computer at. A bit confusing for me to figure out the settings (organized much better in Greenshot).

I used to use Irfanview years ago, somehow totally forgot about it. Great little app!

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Irfanview is ok. I wish it had an undo menu instead of just sequential and I wish the markups were editable until you saved to jpg, but the best I have found so far for what I want to do.

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