YAWT (Yet Another Weather Tile) from meteoblue.com this time

Found some interesting overview widgets on meteoblue.com. YMMV.

  1. Using a simple iframe driver (e.g. Putting live video from (almost) any web/ip camera into your dashboard), create a virtual device using that driver

  2. In your own browser visit https://www.meteoblue.com/ and click on Widgets on the left

  3. There are 4 to choose from and configure to your needs. For any of them, look at the HTML box and cut out the src URL for their iframe

  4. Paste the URL into the iframe driver devices preferences that you created earlier. I noticed that some URL's give a server error when you hit Save Preferences, for those I just used tinyurl.com to generate a simpler link

  5. Still on the device page, turn the switch off then on

  6. Create a tile on your favourite Dashboard using the device you created and set template to Attribute and select myFrame

  7. Adjust Tile to size

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