I installed a YRD256-HA-OBP door lock.
Then I installed the lock manager app.
I put the device on the dashboard and it will lock and unlock.
I used the lock manager app to try and add new users but it does not seem to add them nor will it recall any existing users. When I do the recall it just blinks and shows nothing.
Am I correct in thinking the lock manager should add new users with their pin numbers?
Am I missing something else such as a driver that I need to install?
Interesting information. I went to the Yale lock and manually added the first user. Then I went to the lock manager app and tried to change the pin number on my one user that showed up. Somehow while playing with the manager app, it deleted my entire user. It would seem there are areas that once you are in them you cannot back out without making a change. I made no changes, clicked done to get out of the app and it deleted my user. It also generated errors in the log.
Thank you. That helped a lot. I filled it all out and checked the box for the lock we were dealing with. Then it just sat there and never did anything else apparently you have to click anywhere else on the screen and it will bring down the last part that says add the user. Seems to work now It just took two clicks instead of one.
Maybe I’m having issues because I’m working on an iOS tablet and not a PC. Thanks again.
Recently Installed a Yale Zigbee lock - as a device it worked perfectly AFAIK. I could command open/closed easily. there is a slight delay as it executes but thats the logic of the unit, not in getting a command to it.
I loaded up the Lock Code Manager - and things looked really good. It showed my table of user and code perfectly - I had 2 users.
I used Lock Code Manager to add more users and there is a log entry about it being queued. I waited a while - refreshed the device and the table in the device showed the user and and all was great.
One user wanted her code changed - I issued the command via Lock Code Manager app and everything looked fine, but i did NOT review the device.
Later, opening Lock Code Manager the user who we had changed was missing. I tried re-adding, and all I could get was a code:59... it looked like it all got queued up and the lock code manager user list didn't reflect the complete lock code in the device. Now, no commands are getting through to the lock and it's not able to open or close via its device buttons anymore. It's hung.
Clearly there is something going on here that needs some exploration. Besides the fail on the MAC (move/add/change) I think the Lock Code Manager app could use a good 'wait' status so users don't button mash.
Sadly I don't have hands on to do any debug work to find the fault. I'll be resetting up the whole thing - reset the Yale lock so I can reprogram it, then uninstall, clear and reinstall the lock code manager.
I also note there is no 'clear lock codes' or reset on Lock Code manager within the app - and uninstalling it, and re-installing it brought me to a state that was further complicated in my lock code table.
I have a Yale YRD256 with a Zigbee module and a Kwikset 912 Zigbee lock. The only issues I've had in the past has been either low battery levels / changing batteries or trying to add a code that interferes with the master code. Mostly everything works as advertised though.
The LCM certainly could be better (miss RBoys SmartThings app) but it seems to be based around users rather than locks so am not really surprised that that specific functionality does not exist.
Can you elaborate? that was definitely a possibility. the user deleted was the original first user created, and added directly to the lock itself... that's a no-no?
I don't really remember as it's been a while sorry.. but I think it did involve something like that. I would definitely not set or reset any codes at the lock once it's paired with HE.
okay - thanks for throwing brain cells my way anyways. Yea. it setup pretty easy out of the box, I setup a single code as per the box instructions.
I then went to the LCM and assigned a username to that code... and I think it all worked well but no I'm not certain. the code DOES work... just HE has lost sight of it.
Then I added via LCM 3 more users. Then one user was 'disabled'. still - everything seemed perfect.
Then she gave her code to someone and we 'whoopsied', added another user/code then went back to update her code to a new value. That's when it went sideways.
Then I tried to delete it and add it back, and the queue seemed to get larger in the logs 'waiting for execution' then it just stopped responding completely. Voice or device issued 'lock/unlock' don't function- it's hung. but the lock continues to function with all codes (NOT the new updated code for the first user... thats not working so the command never got from LCM to the lock).
It makes sense that the lock still works because it holds the codes regardless of what HE thinks. Did you reboot the Hub just to make sure there wasn't any app or device hangup after this happened?
One other thought is to make sure you have a strong enough Zigbee mesh - are there any repeating devices nearby?
both good suggestions - this happened prior to .234 - I updated her hub remotely yesterday so I consider that a reboot
the mesh is really nicely built. I've got 6 repeaters all nicely spaced . there's one next to the door about 4 feet away. it's rock solid and runs the xmas tree which has been flawless since initial install...
I'm pretty sure this has to do with the codes and the HE getting out of sync and no way to re-do them remotely. My next visit to her place I'll rebuild that device and I'm sure it'll be fine.
Okay starting to make sense now - my guess is she inadvertently set the "master code" and once that happened you could not add or see the code in HE LCM/device.
Yes I agree and would go even further saying you can't change that from within HE..
The trouble happens when you start messing with the lock physically, codes on the device itself. If someone were to accidentally reset/change the master code to their code then try and add it to HE - that could be an issue.
I wish the device was here so I could really play with it. I'll be there tomorrow and I can really do some tests now that I'm more learned about LCM and the lock functionality - it was my first smart lock.
Since it's hard to toy with the door (you have to be standing outside in the cold and snow!) and no one there knows how to play with the codes - not really concerned about the door getting changed - it won't be hard to reset the door, check LCM, add users, then try again to remove the primary code and see how the corruption happens. It would seem that LCM might need some TLC in that it might need an additional query 'Does this lock allow changes to the primary?' or maybe a 'disallow stored codes entry 1' so that future users don't stomp on the same issue - assuming of course all along the theory is right!