Yale lock inclusion failed

This fixed my issue THANKS! After an hour on the phone with Yale Support and two brand new locks that wouldn't connect! We isolated it was a Hubitat issue! This is something that Hubitat should "suggest" versus the default, "Your zwave network isn't strong enough, something, something blah blah blah..."

Here is a SOLUTION and it should be suggested or for that matter, the option given to "restart zwave radio", on the zwave Inclusion, if the item isn't connecting/initializing.

I think we should just focus on my obvious genius for a moment...there, that's good. :wink:

Fair point...restarting isn't the solution for all or even most inclusion issues, but it can help. I'll ask the powers that be about it.

@AutoNewbie what docs or info were you reading where this could be added? If you could provide links. Would be good to know what you had found yourself looking at to troubleshoot so it can be added to the right place.

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Under "Add Device" (https://URL/device/addDevice)-> Zwave-> Zwave Inclusion->Add Device->Immediately Hubitat says "Initializing zwave device"->Timer times out and displays a message about zwave network isn't strong enough and here's a link to docs on building a better zwave network...

This is where the opportunity is because the fact is it had zero to do with my Zwave network, which is fine; it had to do with the Zwave radio being reset. I would have never "figured out" to reset the radio via shutdown because most people assume unplugging and replugging in would reset the radio.

Shutdown is to gracefully shut the Platform and protect the internal DB. Power cycle is to reset the Z-Radios. The order should be: Shutdown, then power off, wait 10 seconds, power on.

Power cycle didn't recycle the radios for me, shutdown did or maybe I’m confused, it wasn’t a radio issue for me but a Db issue for me. The “solution” offered on this thread stated shutdown cycles the radios, thus further confusion.

Hubitat isn’t marketed to commercial or as a professional solution but as a DIYer solution. If “shutdown” is that important why isn’t it main menu, or offered on the messages that deal with radio offerings any, zwave, zigbee, WiFi?

If you did a general poll asking the casual user of Hubitat;
If having an issue with zwave, zigbee or WiFi would you;
A. Setting->Shutdown->unplug for 10 sec and plugin
B. Menu->Reboot
C. Unplug for 10 sec and plugin

I’m pretty sure that A would get the least votes.

A and C would get you basically the same results, with C possibly resulting in corrupted data in the database due to an improper shutdown. The radio should power down and restart in both cases.

As much as I would like to agree, my reality isn’t that. I unplugged multiple times and still resulted in the same outcome. Hence here we are discussing the FACT that shutdown (A vs C) solved my problem.

This is just one of a few things, I think the UI/UX could be much better. Clearly, shutdown is dong more than just unplug and restarting, and being it is, than it should be more upfront and center to allow others easy access.

Also Shutdown should actually be named something else if it is doing more than unplugging, maybe Refresh?

I do agree that it would be helpful to have that warning somewhere in the UI or the docs, about shutting down and removing power to restart the radios, I am not saying its not a good idea. This is a frequent thing that comes up and people usually try rebooting but most people do not naturally think to power it down totally. I will make made a (very detailed and well written) post about it over in the beta section. The devs will have to decide if they want anything added or not.

There is actually a warning in the backup section if the backup fails on the z-wave radio. This might only be in the beta right now, I am not sure when it was added

The only thing a shutdown does "more" than simply unplugging is to gracefully exit running processes and close out the hub database to avoid partial database writes from being interrupted by an abrupt power loss. MANY people in the past have been fixing radio lockups by unplugging without a shut down because they may not even know the importance of a proper shutdown to avoid database problems. There are people who turn off their laptops by holding the power button down until it forcibly turns off as well. I cannot say why it did not work for you but it does, and should, work 99.9% of the time to restart the radio.

I would change reset => restart in the above.

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I agree because Reset is specific to wiping the radio's DB of paired devices. 'Restart' prevents future readers from thinking a catastrophic wipe is what is recommended.


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