Yale Assure Lock w/ August (Bluetooth/Wi-Fi) Module

Hi. I just installed my C-7 yesterday and have my Lutron integration up and running. Now looking to pull in my other devices.

I have a Yale Assure lock with the August module. This uses Bluetooth to a Wi-Fi bridge and works quite well on its own, but was wondering if I could somehow link it to my HE, and maybe run different automations depending on whose code was used to enter, based on time-of-day, etc.

Discovery does not find this device. Can I add it manually?

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As far as I am aware, the August wifi locks are not compatible with Hubitat. I don't believe there is an open API for these locks. The August Pro Lock is because it is Z-wave.

I'm using Yale Assure lock with z-wave, i can use webcore & echo speak to announce who just unlocked the door based on the code.

But the question was about the bluetooth wifi version.

I think the best you can do is set up IFTT to communicate the lock status to a virtual door sensor on Hubitat—that’s what I’m doing. It’s not ideal, but IFTT is pretty quick, and I use that to trigger some automations when the door is unlocked.

I think there was someone trying to set up a Raspberry Pi to connect directly via Bluetooth but that looked pretty involved.

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Can you explain to a new person the steps on how you did that? I can't get my Yale/August lock to do anything now that I removed my ST hub.

I think IFTT has since gone paid, and I wouldn’t say the level of functionality is worth paying for. But it was a Maker API switch that I was controlling w/IFTT.

I got annoyed with the August module after it seemed to lose connection with the lock a few times and the app just tells you to pull the battery to reset it, and then the door went unlocked for a couple days because we were relying on the auto-lock function and the module had flaked out again. I bought a zigbee module on Amazon to replace it and haven’t looked back—full functionality in HE, I got to ditch the wall wart, and so far it’s been completely reliable.

Thanks Mike, I just ordered one.

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Hi there - I just bought a Yale Assure SL w/ August (BLE & Wifi). I chose this version over the z-wave module because it enables auto-unlock based on phone proximity. I'd prefer have it connect to my HE, but don't want to lose that feature. Is it possible to set up auto-unlock using the Z-wave version? Thanks in advance!

I also bought this version because it's the only one that supports auto-lock with the included sensor. I don't know why the Z-Wave version doesn't support that, but it doesn't.

That was part of my original thinking, but the auto-unlock was flaky. I now have Hubitat set to unlock the door when someone arrives home and there’s motion at the front door, and that’s been working more reliably than the August auto-unlock.

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