I have about six Xiaomi Aqara Temperature sensors. I really like the devices and they are cheap. The problem is, despite the newest community written drivers, their Zigbee is non-standard and therefore they drop off the network.
My question is two-fold:
Can I purchase a Xiaomi Aqara hub and pair the sensors with the hub and still have hubitat able to access these devices? Has anyone done that and is it better?
Is there a rock-solid better temperature sensor that I should be considering for use with Hubitat?
How do you use your Xiaomi/Aqara temperature sensors and not have them disassociate? I have a very comprehensive Zigbee network. The problems apparently result because of the non-standard Aqara check in times for devices. I am not sure if I have the right settings or am using the right configuration. Here is an example temperature sensor.
There are several of us who use Konke temperature/humidity sensors. I have 10 of them. They never dropped off my zigbee mesh, and are fairly accurate. The only caveat to their use is that your zigbee network must use channel 15, 20, or 25.
Thanks for the reference. I ordered four of them. Looks exactly right. Geez, May delivery. Oh well, good things come to those who wait. I am trying to measure temperature differential in my data center where I have a new mini split. I want ambient temperature as well as inside rack and will control thermostat accordingly. Before the mini split, the room was 12 degrees warmer than the rest of the house.
In case of Aqara, its not only about size of the network, but also about devices used. Some of the models are not friendly with Aqara in case of routing. I have very good experience with Ikea plugs and bulbs as a repeaters for Aqara devices. They do stick to network.
The specs indicate that they go from 0 to 40C - Has this been your experience? I am (passively) looking for something to use in my refrigerators and freezers... I would try these if they go to -25C...
If you have many of the Aqara temp sensors, you might want to consider this method. I bring my Aqara devices into HE by using a ConBee 2 dongle attached to HA and the Home Assistant Device Bridge. It hangs onto the Xiaomi devices like glue and brings them back in Hubitat where I want them. A very solid setup, but the same rule applies in regard to repeaters. They must be Xiaomi compatible.
You might want to look for outdoor sensor for -25C
I've read in other thread some use outdoor motion sensor which also does temperature in fridge, not sure about freezer.
The Hue Outdoor Motion Sensor can do -20C to 45C.
The range can be conservative until someone actually try lower or higher.
I use Smartthings multipurpose sensor V2 for outdoor, which seems not getting much love here but have been doing very well and reliable for me.
I use them in a plastic waterproof box for gate open and also vibration detection on fence if anyone trying to climb over.
They have survived and been accurate over 120F (48C) in summer while it's rated for 0C to 40C only.
around the house. Now my Xiaomi Aqara temperature/humidity sensors are staying online and not falling off the network anymore. Hope that helpse someone.