Xiaomi & Aqara Devices - Pairing & Keeping them connected

If it helps, everything that was connected to an ikea repeater appears to have dropped off, devices paired to the hub are still connected.

I have 7 of those in my main mesh, if those are the issue I won't have many devices left...

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So far there are no issues after my upgrade, I've had the endpoint device which is furthest away (3 repeaters away, of which 2 are IKEA and 1 an Xbee, between that one and the hub) just check in.

This is very strange. My hub was showing firmware 127 which doesnt exist so reloaded 126. It seemed the repeaters all fell off taking the mesh with it. So now in the process of rejoining. The repeater with your driver reconnected all the downstream devices but the other ones with the built in driver didnt. :frowning:

It was pulled due to incorrect changes in Maker API.

Did you have a PAN ID change? From your description of the issue I don't think so, but worth making sure.

Yes, is all I have to say here :stuck_out_tongue:

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I had issues, which I mentioned here, as well. Latest hotfix seems to have resolved it.

Sorry, missed that one. So there was an issue then. I should be happy I didn't upgrade earlier. There is nothing in the release notes about Zigbee related changes, but there was probably something in there then. @mike.maxwell can you shed some light on this? Are we imagining things, or was there a change which affected Zigbee?

No idea, I'm afraid I haven't been keeping track of it unfortunately.

No zigbee changes in 2.2.2

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@mike, @aaiyar and @rocketwiz it sounds like the reason behind the dropping devices lays elsewhere since there are no zigbee changes. If you all have your devices back and this is not repeated and no one has Wireshark logs from when this happened I supposed we will never know the why?

I guess it’s a coincidence then.

I don't believe in those, but if we have no way of knowing exactly what happened I don't see how we trace this down. :frowning:


I'm just coming back to this after some time writing drivers! However, I'm still having trouble getting this XStick configured correctly and paired with HE, would you mind giving me some pointers, @simon - or anybody who, unlike me, knows what they're doing! :wink:

So, trying this on Windows 10 now, XCTU up and running, legacy drivers downloaded. Firmware 23A7, ZigBee Router API, PAN ID set, JV set to 1, rest of the settings match your screenshots. Should I then continue with adding the micro python code described in the first post of Everything XBee or is that not necessary? I just receive the message:

Could not access the XBee file system. Make sure your XBee module supports the file system feature and the serial port parameters are correct.

I've got no idea if the XStick supports this or not!

So, I continue on without uploading the micro python code and presumably I click the tiny "Discover radio nodes in the same network" button with HE in pairing mode? Well, though XCTU says "Waiting for remote devices to answer..." I see nothing on either side. :frowning:

"Discover radio nodes in the same network" is looking for other XBees that can be programmed remotely through the program.

Righto, so what needs to happen in XCTU once I've popped all the settings in, or should the XStick just start working and appear in the found devices list?

Okay, found some instructions on ST forum with an XStick-specific config which appears to have me up and running!

Apologies, I also realise this is not particularly Xiaomi-related (though that is what I'm trying to debug). I shall cease derailing!

Okey-cokey, I think I'm calling time on the QBKG03LM and '04LM. I've battled these devices on two systems over the past... wow, year and a half. I'd eventually moved to having them on their own C-5; their own mesh with nothing but themselves and a few Trådfri repeaters. All LQIs above 250.

Well, I had to turn the ground floor lighting circuit off yesterday. The hub and repeaters, plus switches elsewhere in the house, all stayed on. Not one of them reconnected when the power came back. Not only did they not come back, they knocked the ones which weren't powered down off the mesh. Nothing on the mesh works any more.

I now have some of the D1 variant on order, because there aren't a whole lot of other options in the UK. Hopefully they've learned a thing or two working with IKEA, because the stuff they've done for them works great!

I'm going to try the QBKG22LM (two gang), QBKG25LM (three gang) and the WXKG07LM (two gang wireless). No idea when they'll appear, let's see how shipping from China is going right now. :slight_smile:

Sorry to hear it doesn't work for you, those have created lots of issues for many though. It could partially be fixed with 2.2.3, but I understand if enough is enough :stuck_out_tongue:

I have the QBKG22LM, it has worked well. QBKG25LM is a version I don't have, but my driver should work with it, if not I'd love to sort it out. Same goes for the WXKG07LM. :wink:

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Great stuff, they’ll be on my walls until the new ones appear anyway, so still happy to test - I’m just not going to rely on them.

Ha, now I’ve said that they’ll end up performing just fine.

What’s changing in 2.2.3 that might help?

It might not apply to you, but it's the PAN id changes that should be less frequent and possibly not occur at all. Since I've not seen the full traffic logs from Wireshark when those types of wall switches you use fall off and cause issues I can't be certain. If you do happen to record Wireshark logs of that happening I'd love to take a look.

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I have a CC2531 on order, so with any luck I'll be up and running with Wireshark by the end of the week.

I had no idea they did change! I've recorded mine to see if they do...