Xhk1-ue keypad

i think i found the procedure but not sure - hold the tamper button while inserting batteries then wait for green light to go off?? I tried that - still nothing. does the tamper have to be pressed while pairing?

I have no experience with this model, so I'm not going to be of any help.

Found this on Xfinity web site.

How Do I Reset the Keypad?

  1. Confirm your Xfinity Home system is disarmed. Working on devices while the system is armed can generate false alarms.
  2. Remove the Keypad from the wall by sliding upwards until it comes free of the mounting bracket.
  • Note : Removing the Keypad from the mounting bracket will cause a Tamper warning on the Touchscreen Controller.
  1. Remove and replace the batteries.
  2. Replace the Keypad on the mounting bracket.
  • Note : The Keypad must be on the mounting bracket to remove the Tamper warning.
  1. Arm the system.
  2. If the problem persists, contact us.

Maybe could help, don't think you have to arm anything.

well, after many attempts of doing random stuff, it finally found something.. claims it's a moisture sensor :slight_smile:
hopefully I can get the second one found too
ID: 0734

Manufacturer: Universal Electronics Inc

Product Name:

Model Number: URC4450BC0-X-R

deviceTypeId: 14


manufacturer : Universal Electronics Inc

idAsInt : 1

inClusters : 0000,0001,0003,0020,0402,0500,0B05

endpointId : 01

profileId : 0104

application :

outClusters : 0003,0019,0501

initialized : true

model : URC4450BC0-X-R

stage : 4

OK it's working now. both keypads are set and both enable/disable hsm. i don't suppose there's a way to use the built-in beeper as a siren of sorts?

How did you factory reset it. I cannot get it to pair.

That's not the correct method in this case.

To reset the Xfinity keypads do the following:

  1. Remove the cover and the batteries.
  2. While keeping the tamper/pairing button pressed, insert the batteries and then release the tamper/pairing button.
  3. It should make the pairing LED start flashing.
  4. Press the tamper/pairing button 5 times to reset the keypad.

To pair it after resetting it, you need to remove the batteries again and and then just reinstall. The green light light by the tamper/pairing button should start flashing indicating it is ready to pair.

i didn't do this directly but rather did the battery/tamper procedure a bunch of times with varying degrees of delay.. i guess in the end i must've pressed it 5 times :slight_smile:

So now I'm seeing an issue where if I arm on keypad 1, keypad 2 will beep a few times to confirm. However, sometimes it just beeps forever until I disarm. If I do it first on keypad 2, then keypad 1 confirms with 3 to 5 beeps and shuts up.
Any idea what this could be?
and speaking of the beeper.. is it possible to use it for siren type purposes? for instance, I'd love a beep as soon as a door is open when armed.

seems to happen only if i arm night.. arming home or away seems fine

I used to have an issue similar to the the forever beeping you describe. If I remember correctly it seemed to happen whenever HSM was armed automatically by a rule I have. I have two of the keypads and it was only ever one at a time but not always the same one. However this went away for me after the last update to the Keypad drivers a few months back.

As for using the beep for anything else, I don't think it is remotely controllable and only beeps for keypad functions.

i actually figured out how to do beeping - seems Rule Machine supports that as an action! I was pleasantly surprised when I saw that. You cannot configure how long it beeps for but it's better than nothing

Oh wow, thanks for this post. Has anyone integrated other Xfinity devices with hubitat like the XHS2-UE Door/Window Contact Sensors? Please let me know if they work.

XHS1-TY motion sensor, works great, quirky in that it just "flashes" the motion, and goes inactive for 2 min.
XHS2-TY Door/Window sensor works great.
"TY" "UE" does not seem to matter, most of the stickers come off when I remove them from doors and windows, so hard to tell, I call them all "TY" as that was the first sticker I could read.
MCT-340 SMA, a little slow to report temperature changes, but works great as D/W sensor (may not be xfinity)


Thanks woodsy! Just purchased the hub from amazon. Going to give it a try.

Just bought one of these Xfinity keypads on ebay for $20 and added an old Iris Zigbee plug as repeater to my otherwise full 70+ device Z-wave home. I just can't find a good Z-wave keypad. Anyway, these are some notes from tonight to possibly save some other people time.

  1. Do not change the default frequency of Zigbee. I'm not sure and I don't have time to test it more but all attempts to pair the keypad at non-standard Zigbee bands (non-11) failed.
  2. I'm not sure but I think Hubitat's Zigbee radio got in a strange mode where it simply would not pair any devices. Restarting hub did not help. Resetting the radio may have helped (THIS WILL REMOVE ALL DEVICES).
  3. Entering a just a code means disarm.
  4. Hitting an away button THEN a code means arm (not the other way around as other docs/keypads say)
  5. Don't try to install the Nyckelharpa CentraliteX driver after using the built-in HE Centralite driver. Lots of exceptions and no way to clear the state. Revert to HE driver worked.

BUG: Set Exit Delay = non-zero causes the keypad to be stuck in a beeping mode after the delayed arm. A handwave stops it but at that point you should already be gone.

Overall really nice but until I get the delayed away working, it has almost zero value. Maybe the delay can be in HSM but it would be really nice for the delayed away to happen on the device to have the beeping during the delay and then silence, instead of hours of beeping while away.

Sorry you've had so many issues. I have 2 of these keypads in use and had used them on ST before I got my Hubitat. The two hubs were on different frequencies and had no issues with either. I've removed them from HE and put them back a couple times in the past for reasons I don't recall right off. I have also recently changed frequency of my Zigbee network with 58 devices and all had no issues after giving things time to settle in. I've actually never had either hub set to channel 11. I'm on 15 now and was on 19 prior to this. I'm not sure there is actually a "default" channel.

I am using the HE driver for Centralite keypads and the built in Lock Code Manager to program/change codes. If I change someones code, it programs to both keypads.

Yes, this will delete all devices. It will do the same on the Z-Wave side if you reset the radio. There's a warning right above the Reset button telling you this.

That's how these work. Makes sense to me but I haven't used other keypads before to compare with.

I've read about Nyckelharpa once but never used it so I can't comment on it either way.

I've never set the delay in the driver but I do recall the continuous beeping being an issue for me at one time also but it was resolved with one of the HE updates and I've not had any issues since.
If you use HSM, there is an option under "Configure Arming/Disarming/Cancel Option" where you can set the delays including for arming away. This has been working for me.

In case someone stumbles on this post later I thought I would add my experience in adding this keypad to HE this week.

I have this keypad (XHK1-UE) and installed it on HE using zigbee channel 20 and the stock HE drivers without issue after resetting it from SmartThings. I later changed the keypad to the centralitex driver in nyckelharpa without encountering any issues. I was experiencing continuous beeping after delay exit using the stock driver and HSM without the nyckelharpa package.

I've been using this keypad on ST for about a year and it's been a solid device overall.


So as to the bug issue , I am having the constant beeping after arming away. Does it no matter if I arm from the keypad or from the sharptools . My hub is ver 2.2.5 and the driver im using for the keypad is the generic zigbee contact sensor. I have confirmed that just like you posted, it does quit beeping when you wave your hand in front of the keypad. Thanks for any help you can provide.

FWIW....The only way I was able to fix the beeping with this keypad was by using the nyckelharpa app and centralitex driver. They have to be used together.

Nyckelharpa added additional functionality to HSM and I have been quite happy with it. I've had it running since April 2020 without a single issue.

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