it would be nice to utilize the second usb port.
(for RFLink, MySensors GW etc)
Trouble is the ports are so close together the RF dongle kinda blocks other stuff from fitting. You’d likely have to use an extender.
And is it an Z69 or an X96?
all i know;
manufacturer is Shenzhen Shiningworth Technology Co., Ltd.
The last time someone brought up the device name on the smartthings boards it turned into a bot-review spam flood. ^.^ was amusing. If you look through the smartthings Hubitat thread the device model is listed in there somewhere.
Here's the ST Thread/Specs
Pic of the inside of my hub if you don't believe me:
The heatsink foam sucked off a lot of the print on the main CPU, but you can still easily make out it's the Amlogic S905W.
All that second USB port is good for right now is plugging in a keyboard for vain attempts to type the correct user / password login.
I have a 15,000 core cluster at my mercy… John the Ripper could do some damage.
maybe we should just ask the staff for the password , but then where is the fun in that
Bit disappointing they’ve gone out of their way to cripple access into it. The box itself seems to hover around $25 each. So the $99 price is pretty decent considering the RF dongle also comes with it. Still, I’m never really pleased having a box being deliberately crippled to keep me out.
John the Ripper? Wouldn’t it be easier to go into single user mode, and create your own login? Just a thought. I haven’t worked with Ubuntu on an embedded platform like this.