How is it best or even if possible to stream a Tinycam video stream of my Wyze camera to dashboard?
I have set up webserver for it and have that running fine viewing the stream in Chrome but when I take the URL of the stream and put it into a video tile I get nothing.
You can't get a video stream in the dashboard as far as I know, What you can get is still images from a camera. If you combine that with a 1 second refresh rate, you do get something approaching useful. I haven't tried to see if TinyCam can present still images but you should see what is available.
You can use TinyCam to convert from the WyzeCam stream into an HTTP stream and then have that in a dashboard. Many folks are doing this. Just use the image tile and then use the link that TinyCam Pro generates from for the HTTP stream. TinyCam has a direct Wyze integration built in. You don't have to use the custom RTSP firmware.