Wyze cybersecurity "incident" allowed a thousand users to see other people's camera feeds

One more reason to be careful when choosing which camera to buy and where to place it in your enviroment.

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I received an email from Wyze informing me that I was not affected. Makes sense, since I haven't used any of their equipment since 2021.

It made their claim seem dubious that only a small percentage of accounts were affected. They are apparently including abandoned accounts and possibly people that only bought bulbs/scales/etc. The organization always seemed just a bit shady to me, but that is purely my opinion.

Friday was rough, all my Wyze cams dropped out, followed shortly after by Zigbee flapping on/off. Then come the wife's complaints "you and your stupid smart home"

No kidding, rough Sat for me as well. I have the Ring smoke alarm listener and while I was away. We lost power to the house and the smoke detectors went off a minute later. Wife freaked out with all the bells and whistles.
Imagine 5 smoke detectors and a Ring Alarm went off while you are trying to put out a kitchen :fire:. Fun time.
Bright side is that we still have a perfect kitchen.

Simple - RTSP through their beta firmware or Wyze Mini hacks and throw off the shackles of their cloud service!