WSJ article about the asymmetric relationship between Amazon and Alexa Fund partners like ecobee

This article describes how Amazon is strong-arming smaller partners like ecobee into releasing large amounts of consumer data to Amazon for its use. Unfortunately, it is behind the Wall Street Journal paywall.

However, after Googling for the text, I found a non-paywall version linked below:

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Let's just say my relationship with Amazon and developing Alexa apps hasn't been smooth either. One app I wrote as an example was a music streaming app from any DLNA device to Alexa. I wrote a server that would only open one stream to Amazon and then send the music though that stream. After about a month of testing Amazon sent me a email stating that applications in my category must send metadata which I wasn't doing. Since I didn't want to expose this data I just ended development.

Same goes for my company, we stopped development of apps for Alexa due to their data terms. Being in the financial industry we couldn't' trust Amazon with the types of data they were requesting.

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You can also get past the WSJ paywall by using and just pasting in the URL. They have an account and will fetch and archive the article (and often it's already archived by the time I ask).
Here's the archived version of that article: