Wrong ip

I am trying to set up my c-8 but it was assigned a wrong ip I guess. Anyway, my home system is on 192.168.86.... but my hub showed up at 192.168.28.... So I cannot connect to it, set it up, register it, or anything. This all happened while I was trying to set up and after the update.

Do a network reset (in docs below). This will set the hub back to DHCP.
If it is still not getting a valid IP then you need to look at your DHCP setup on your LAN. The hub does not just make up an IP to use, it gets it from your DHCP system.


This ^^^

You may have an incorrect IP reservation on your router if the problem persists after the hub network reset.

It's actually a good idea to have an IP reservation on your router for your hub, so if you are familiar w/doing that, I'd suggest that you set that up once you have things working normally.


Perfect, thanks.


Yes, of course. I did this as soon as I had access again. Thank you!