Working on a driver to interface with a Honeywell Tuxedo Touch running on ver5.3.21.0 firmware with api and having some trouble figuring out how to send header info the auth token. Keep in mind this is all rough code as I'm building it out. I'll clean it up once I get it working.
The default data is just garbage I stuck in there so it has the correct character length.
Example :
http://:/system_http_api/API_REV01/AdvancedSecurity/ArmWithCode?arming=AWAY,STAY,NIGHT&pID=1 or 2 or 3...&ucode=Valid User Code&operation=set
Authentication token should be added as part of authtoken http header (Authentication token recieved during registeration operation. Not applicable for browser clients)
def armStay() {
def apiRev = "API_REV01"
def apiBasePath = "/system_http_api/${apiRev}"
def postParams = [
uri: "http://${tuxedoTouchIP}:${tuxedoTouchPort}${apiBasePath}/AdvancedSecurity/ArmWithCode?arming=STAY@pID=${partitionNumber}&ucode=${userPin}&operation=set",
requestContentType: 'application/json',
contentType: 'application/json',
headers: ['authtoken':"${authorizationToken}",'MACID':"${hubitatMac}"]//,
//body : ["name": "value"]
log.debug postParams
log.debug "http://${tuxedoTouchIP}:${tuxedoTouchPort}${apiBasePath}/AdvancedSecurity/ArmWithCode?arming=STAY@pID=${partitionNumber}&ucode=${userPin}&operation=set"
asynchttpPost('myCallbackMethod', postParams, [dataitem1: "datavalue1"])
def getHmac(authenticationToken) {
String result
String key = "${authenticationToken}"
String data = "${authenticationToken}"
try {
// get an hmac_sha1 key from the raw key bytes
SecretKeySpec signingKey = new SecretKeySpec(key.getBytes(), "HmacSHA1");
// get an hmac_sha1 Mac instance and initialize with the signing key
Mac mac = Mac.getInstance("HmacSHA1");
// compute the hmac on input data bytes
byte[] rawHmac = mac.doFinal(data.getBytes());
result= rawHmac.encodeHex()
log.debug "HMAC_SHA1 result: ${result}"
} catch (Exception e) {
log.debug("Failed to generate HMAC : " + e.getMessage())
Here's the API documentation:
-- GetSecurityStatus
-- Get the default home partition status, Partition ID is optional.
Example : http://:/system_http_api/API_REV01/GetSecurityStatus?operation=get
Authentication token should be added as part of authtoken http header (Authentication token recieved during registeration operation. Not applicable for browser clients)
-- SetSecurityArm
-- Use this service to change the partition status.Default is AWAY and partition 1.
Example : http://:/system_http_api/API_REV01/SetSecurityArm?arming=[AWAY,STAY,NIGHT]&pID=[Partition ID (1-8)]&operation=set
Authentication token should be added as part of authtoken http header (Authentication token recieved during registeration operation. Not applicable for browser clients)
-- GetOccupancyMode
-- Get the occupancy status from automation mode.
Example : http://:/system_http_api/API_REV01/GetOccupancyMode?operation=get
Authentication token should be added as part of authtoken http header (Authentication token recieved during registeration operation. Not applicable for browser clients)
-- SetOccupancyMode
-- This Service is used to set the occupancy status for automation mode
Example : http://:/system_http_api/API_REV01/SetOccupancyMode?omode=[HOME,AWAY/CLOSE,NIGHT]&operation=set
Authentication token should be added as part of authtoken http header (Authentication token recieved during registeration operation. Not applicable for browser clients)
-- GetLightStatus
-- This Service will get the status off a particular binary light (Nodeid,Device Name,Device Type and Status [Binary Switch 0-OFF,255-ON][Multilevel Switch 0-OFF, 1 to 99-ON)
Example : http://:/system_http_api/API_REV01/GetLightStatus?nodeID=[Device ID assigned in Tuxedo Home Automation]&operation=set
Authentication token should be added as part of authtoken http header (Authentication token recieved during registeration operation. Not applicable for browser clients)
-- SetLight
-- This Service will set the status off a particular binary or dimmer light
Example : http://:/system_http_api/API_REV01/SetLight?nodeID=[Device ID assigned in Tuxedo Home Automation]&percent=[percent=ON, OFF, DIM1,…
Where DIM1-DIM10 equal to 10 to 99.
-- GetThermostatMode
-- This service will return the mode of particular thermostat(Nodeid,Device Name,Device Type and Mode [OFF,HEAT,COOL,AUTO,SAVECOOL,SAVEHEAT])
Example : http://:/system_http_api/API_REV01/GetThermostatMode?nodeID=[Device ID assigned in Tuxedo Home Automation]&operation=set
Authentication token should be added as part of authtoken http header (Authentication token recieved during registeration operation. Not applicable for browser clients)
-- GetThermostatSetPoint
-- This service will give Heat and Cool Setpoint of particular thermostat(Nodeid,Device Name,Device Type,Heat Setpoint,Cool Setpoint,Save Heat,Save Cool)
Example : http://:/system_http_api/API_REV01/GetThermostatSetPoint?nodeID=[Device ID assigned in Tuxedo Home Automation]&operation=set
Authentication token should be added as part of authtoken http header (Authentication token recieved during registeration operation. Not applicable for browser clients)
-- GetThermostatEnergyMode
-- This service will give the thermostat mode,Energy Save or Normal
Example : http://:/system_http_api/API_REV01/GetThermostatEnergyMode?nodeID=[Device ID assigned in Tuxedo Home Automation]&operation=set
Authentication token should be added as part of authtoken http header (Authentication token recieved during registeration operation. Not applicable for browser clients)
-- SetThermostatMode
-- Use this service to change the thermostat mode [mode=OFF,HEAT,COOL,AUTO].Modes 0-OFF,1-HEAT,2-COOL,3-AUTO,11-SAVEHEAT,12-SAVECOOL.
Example : http://:/system_http_api/API_REV01/SetThermostatMode?nodeID=[Device ID assigned in Tuxedo Home Automation]&mode=
Authentication token should be added as part of authtoken http header (Authentication token recieved during registeration operation. Not applicable for browser clients)
-- SetThermostatSetPoint
-- Use this service to change the Heat and Cool Setpoint of particular thermostat [mode=HEAT,COOL,SAVEHEAT,SAVECOOL].Modes 1-HEAT,2-COOL,11-SAVEHEAT,12-SAVECOOL.
Example : http://:/system_http_api/API_REV01/SetThermostatSetPoint?nodeID=[Device ID assigned in Tuxedo Home Automation]&mode=
Authentication token should be added as part of authtoken http header (Authentication token recieved during registeration operation. Not applicable for browser clients)
-- SetThermostatEnergyMode
-- Use this service to change the thermostat mode to Energy Save or Normal[dev_id=node_ID], [energy_mode=NORMAL,ECO]
Authentication token should be added as part of authtoken http header (Authentication token recieved during registeration operation. Not applicable for browser clients)
-- GetDoorLockStatus
-- Use this service to get the status of a particular doorlock
Example : http://:/system_http_api/API_REV01/GetDoorLockStatus?nodeID=[Device ID assigned in Tuxedo Home Automation]&operation=set
Authentication token should be added as part of authtoken http header (Authentication token recieved during registeration operation. Not applicable for browser clients)
-- SetDoorLock
-- Use this service to set the status of a particular doorlock[LOCK or 1]
Example : http://:/system_http_api/API_REV01/SetDoorLock?nodeID=[Device ID assigned in Tuxedo Home Automation]&cntrl=[LOCK,UNLOCK ]&operation=set
Authentication token should be added as part of authtoken http header (Authentication token recieved during registeration operation. Not applicable for browser clients)
-- GetSceneList
-- Use this command to retrieve all the Scenes
Example : http://:/system_http_api/API_REV01/GetSceneList?operation=get
Authentication token should be added as part of authtoken http header (Authentication token recieved during registeration operation. Not applicable for browser clients)
-- ExecuteScene
-- Use this command to execute the scene
Example : http://:/system_http_api/API_REV01/ExecuteScene?sceneID=[SceneID=1]&operation=set
Authentication token should be added as part of authtoken http header (Authentication token recieved during registeration operation. Not applicable for browser clients)
-- GetThermostatTemperature
-- This Service will retrieve the current temperature from the thermostat
Example : http://:/system_http_api/API_REV01/GetThermostatTemperature?nodeID=[Device Node ID]&operation=set
Authentication token should be added as part of authtoken http header (Authentication token recieved during registeration operation. Not applicable for browser clients)
-- GetThermostatFanMode
-- This Service will retrieve the current temperature from the thermostat
Example : http://:/system_http_api/API_REV01/GetThermostatTemperature?nodeID=[Device Node ID]&operation=set
Authentication token should be added as part of authtoken http header (Authentication token recieved during registeration operation. Not applicable for browser clients)
-- GetThermostatFullStatus
-- This Service will retrieve the current temperature from the thermostat
Example : http://:/system_http_api/API_REV01/GetThermostatTemperature?nodeID=[Device Node ID]&operation=set
Authentication token should be added as part of authtoken http header (Authentication token recieved during registeration operation. Not applicable for browser clients)
-- GetWaterValveStatus
-- Use this service to get the status of a particular water valve control
Example : http://:/system_http_api/API_REV01/GetWaterValveStatus?nodeID=[node_ID=dev_id]
-- SetWaterValveStatus
-- Use this service to set the status of a particular water valve control
Example : http://:/system_http_api/API_REV01/SetWaterValveStatus?nodeID=[node_ID=dev_id]&cntrl=[[Close or 1] or [Open or 255]]&operation=set
-- GetGarageDoorStatus
-- Use this service to get the status of a particular garage door control
Example : http://:/system_http_api/API_REV01/GetGarageDoorStatus?nodeID=[node_ID=dev_id]
-- SetGarageDoorStatus
-- Use this service to set the status of a particular garage door control
Example : http://:/system_http_api/API_REV01/SetGarageDoorStatus?nodeID=[node_ID=dev_id]&cntrl=[[Close or 1] or [Open or 255]]&operation=set