I have my scripts running on a windows machine.. with a scheduled task.. it uses curl..
here is the script if you would like to use it.. my hubs are password protected .. so you have to update the script with your username and password and IP address of hub. and Also update the path of curl. ( after downloading it from the web )
here is the script... I have copied row 17 -20 for extra hubs, and updated for their IP addresses.
**** download_backups.vbs****
Set args = WScript.Arguments
Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Dim exeName
Dim statusCode
my_date = DatePart("yyyy",now()) & lpad(DatePart("m",now()),"0",2) & lpad(DatePart("d",now()),"0",2) & "_" & lpad(hour(now()),"0",2) & lpad(minute(now()),"0",2) & lpad(second(now()),"0",2)
exeName = curl_path & "curl.exe -c cookie.txt -d ""username=YOUR_USERNAME"" -d ""password=YOUR_PASSWORD"" http://IP_ADDRESS_OF_HUB/login"
statusCode = WshShell.Run (exeName, 1, true)
my_save_file=my_download_path & "Hubitat_" & my_date & ".lzf"
exeName = curl_path & "curl.exe -sb cookie.txt http://IP_ADDRESS_OF_HUB/hub/backupDB?fileName=latest -o """ & my_save_file & """"
statusCode = WshShell.Run (exeName, 1, true)
Function LPad (str, pad, length)
LPad = String(length - Len(str), pad) & str
End Function