Would I Ever Get To Like Easy Dashboard?

Haven't tried Easy Dashboard yet.

I have a bunch of little tiles on one legacy dashboard.
It's functional, and I've come to know where to scroll.

Easy Dashboard is confined to a larger sized tile, I believe.

Or, am I wrong?

Would I ever get to like Easy Dashboard...I'm thinking not. :slight_smile:


Ill be honest, im having a really hard time embracing them. I can see where they will be a good place for newbies to start, but still too limiting. Im finding HomeKit addresses most of my needs just fine. Well enough I'm considering letting my sharptools subscription lapse.


I've created a few to play with but nothing I'm going to use at this point. Maybe for quick and simple to use for mobile. The addition of drag and drop to the regular dashboards is a win for me.


I am in the process of moving everything off a C5 hub in my shop to a C7. I had built a fairly extensive dashboard for the shop, on the shop hub. However, I have found I really only look at a few things and I have most of those setup on my rules hub that is part of my main hub's dashboard.

So I am building a very basic dashboard on the shop hub using EZ dashboards. For that it is ok, but still probably won't use it very much.

I like Easy Dashboards, but I hate that they ask me to login with username/password every single time I open them in the mobile app... That makes them of very limited use to me.

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That is not a "feature" is an accident, as it shouldn't happen. Mind sharing more about your experience and provide additional details such as mobile phone make/model, operating system, mobile app version and the steps you take that prompt you to log in?

Actually this used to happen to me too. But it no longer does, not exactly sure when it changed (for the better, obviously).

I’m running iOS beta 2.0.4 (305) on an iPhone 14 Pro with iOS 17.6.1.

iPhone 15 Pro, iOS 17.6.1, Hubitat new app version 2.0.3, Hubitat

Steps to prompt a login: open the app, go to dashboard, open an EZ dashboard.

That is while on local network. I have Hub security enabled

Ah. Yes, that's the catch. I thought you were referring to the app itself asking you to log in, which is an issue that has been resolved as @marktheknife pointed out.

Is there any plan to make EZ dashboards behave like legacy dashboards in that regard ? Legacy dashboards don’t ask me to login.

This behaviour of asking me to login is why I am still holding off to legacy dashboards for most of my needs

It has been previously reported and is on the list of potential enhancements, but I don't have a time frame when it may be addressed, at this time.

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Whoops I do still see the same issue as @mboisson (I have login security enabled too).

For a minute I thought the dashboard login persisted but force quitting the app and restarting brings the login screen back up for a couple ez dashboards.

Sorry for the confusion.

Not unless you somehow forgot everything you already know, and returned to the wide-eyed-wtf-is-this-and-where-do-I-start phase of your smarthome life.

Then, you'd use ez dash for a little bit to accomplish some incredibly basic tasks.

If, at this point, it ticks all your boxes then.... happy days.

However, if you then decided you needed to do a little more, you'd find this is probably not possible. And you'd move onto something else.

/ opinion
/ awaits stern disagreements =p


I still get asked to log in every time I open the app. That's why I haven't pushed my wife to use it yet. I would lose way too many WAF points.

For me, it's just a minor annoyance. All I really use the app for is SmartStart. I have some dashboards set up and notifications, but those are all just running for reference. Most of my production notifications are pushed through Pushover. Geofencing is only part of a larger solution aggregated with Geofency, and dashboards are only to have a local backup incase HomeKit Stops working. usually because of a power outage.

I believe the current app leaps better than the original app. Unfortunately, the orignal lacked enough that I had to work around its shortcomings, and those work around are still very stable, it doesn't make a lot of sense to switch back. For me, by far the most useful feature is SmartStart.

Try uninstalling and reinstalling the app. If that doesn't fix it, let us know, or bump the thread you already have on the issue.

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I don’t want to be harsh, but this should not be Β« potential improvements Β», this makes EZ Dashboards unusable for anyone’s family if one is using hub security. There is nothing EZ in having to enter a username/password every time. Building them is EZ, but using them is impossible.

It is a major step back from old dashboards. Sadly, I have deleted my old dashboards after making the few EZ Dashboards I made, otherwise I would just delete EZ Dashboard and not look at it again until I see a fix for this in the release notes.

This may be a dumb question but have you tried it? It's free and you literally just have to click a button and it creates one for you. Then if you don't like it, then don't use it. I don't particularly like it.

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