[WITHDRAWN - Use the new Broadlink integration by @tomw] NATIVE Broadlink RM/RM Pro/RM Mini/SP driver

Thanks for the amazingly quick turn around! @cybrmage determined from the logs I posted that the IR codes for my Fujitsu AC units are different to the Fujitsu he already supports. Now there are two Fujitsu models supported.

For future reference the model families for my Fujitsu AC, which seem to work well with the Fujitsu120 driver from @cybrmage, are as below:
Indoor Unit:

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I just posted yet another update to RC HVAC Manager

  • v0.25:
    added - Support for a second Fujitsu protocol. Fujitsu120 (verified)
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The Base64 issue was with code validation... It would mistake some codes as being base64 encoded when they were validated before being sent. Learned codes are NEVER validated. They are provided by the RM device, and it is assumed that they will not present an invalid code.

The fact that the code being returned is an IR code when you captured an RF code, indicated that your RM Pro has lost it's mind.

A power cycle of your RM Pro should resolve the issues...

great! I'm so happy with the driver that I haven't bothered to post about the minor issue with my Fujitsu units -- the fan runs constantly at the lowest speed when set to 'auto' and the heat has cycled off.

I'l see if the new driver makes a difference.

Mine does that too, but as far as I can remember, it has always done that... Have you tried putting it in the same state with its original remote? Does it do the same? In my case the answer is yes, it does the same as when setting it with the RC HVAC Manager.

Ok So I now realise why my device always said unknown... Silly oversight that I had to enable it for the HVAC in the app...

Is there any chance of either adding the option of using a contact for the state of the HVAC on/off/idle? Its the same device, like the accelerometer just I use the contact component of it. Reason being is I have used contact devices on the flap before I knew about this app/code and when the contact is open always indicates the AC is on, and closed when it is off. Seems like a reliable way to determine the on/off state... While recording the outlet temperature as well.

Or can I just edit this in the parent/child app... with somewhat limited but not non existent coding knowledge. I couldn't find acceleration in any of the code to see if I could make the changes myself.

Another suggestion/request, although this may not be deirable... At the moment when my AC is on I use rule machine to refresh() the outlet temp sensor, which is a smartthings multisensor, every couple of minutes so the temperature is read more often. Otherwise my smartthings multisensors sometimes don't refresh very often. Perhaps when the HVAC is turned on you could have an option to refresh() the outlet/inlet temp sensors more often if people are using smartthing sensors for this. My Xiaomi sensors only refresh on temperature change (or hourly) not on refresh() though.

I have a work around for this already but perhaps it "may or may not be useful for others.. Perhaps too muchwork to implement to make it work while as well so respect if its not a high priority.

Reboot didn't help (and thank you for your help!). The code that I retrieve using both the app and the driver looks like this:


It doesn't work. It worked fine when I used version .41. Did anything change in this code between this and .46? The retry is going to be really helpful.

The application does not do polling. It subscribes to the device events it needs and is driven by those events.

This was considered when developing the operating state functions. The problem is that not all units operate the vanes in a logical and predictable way.

Nothing has changed with the IR/RF code learning... And I just tested with the latest version and was able to capture IR and RF codes without issue.

The code you posted is not a valid code in any IR protocol I have seen... far too short... So I still think you have an issue with your RM device... Maybe try a factory reset and rejoin your device to your network.

All good. Ita easy for me to use rule machine to refresh the devices every minute when the hvac is on only to reduce battery usage.

Oh ok. Is there any way I can make custom changes at my end reasonably easily, as in change the sensor from an accelerometer to a contact option? If so I'm happy to have a go, but I'm not sure where to start so would need some pointers to start. Was hoping to find the key word acceleration and see if my limited coding experience could modify it. I'm assuming it's a bit difficult to add an option to choose the type of sensor in the ui and there are plenty of other focuses (more relevant to the bigger audience) for you at the current time.

Previously, the combination of Hubitat_RC_HVAC v0.14 and Hubitat-Broadlink v0.44 worked fine with my Fujitsu mini-splits.

After updating, I'm getting Java errors and have no control of Fujitsu thermostats with Hubitat_RC_HVAC_v0.25.zip & Hubitat-Broadlink_v0.44.zip OR Hubitat-Broadlink_v0.47.zip OR Hubitat-Broadlink_v0.49.zip.

I'm getting the following in the Hubitat logs with the original Fujitsu protocol:

    [app:618](http://hubitat/logs#app618)2020-05-10 09:33:54.094 pm [debug](http://hubitat/installedapp/configure/618)[Office HVAC Child] (getOperatingState) Setting thermostatOperatingState to [heating]

    [app:618](http://hubitat/logs#app618)2020-05-10 09:33:54.091 pm [debug](http://hubitat/installedapp/configure/618)[Office HVAC Child] (getOperatingState) Mode [heat] Temperature [69.80] Setpoint [76.0] cSetpoint [68] hSetpoint [76]

    [app:618](http://hubitat/logs#app618)2020-05-10 09:33:54.053 pm [debug](http://hubitat/installedapp/configure/618)[Office HVAC Child] (getOperatingState) Determining thermostatOperatingState

    [app:618](http://hubitat/logs#app618)2020-05-10 09:33:41.252 pm [error](http://hubitat/installedapp/configure/618)java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot get property 'value' on null object on line 650 (sendCode_Fujitsu)

    [app:618](http://hubitat/logs#app618)2020-05-10 09:33:41.237 pm [debug](http://hubitat/installedapp/configure/618)binary bitmap: [0010100011000110000000000000100000001000011111111001000000001100100000010010000000000000000000000000000000000000001101-011010100]

    [app:618](http://hubitat/logs#app618)2020-05-10 09:33:41.234 pm [debug](http://hubitat/installedapp/configure/618)raw bitmap: [[20, 99, 0, 16, 16, 254, 9, 48, 129, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, -44, 43]]

    [app:618](http://hubitat/logs#app618)2020-05-10 09:33:41.232 pm [debug](http://hubitat/installedapp/configure/618)raw bitmap: [[20, 99, 0, 16, 16, 254, 9, 48, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 32, 0]]

    [app:618](http://hubitat/logs#app618)2020-05-10 09:33:41.229 pm [debug](http://hubitat/installedapp/configure/618)[Office HVAC Child] sendCode_Fujitsu[lastThermostatSetpoint:74, thermostatSetpoint:75, lastHeatingSetpoint:56, heatingSetpoint:70, lastCoolingSetpoint:68, coolingSetpoint:68, lastThermostatMode:off, thermostatMode:heat, lastThermostatFanMode:auto, thermostatFanMode:auto] called - thermostatMode [heat] thermostatFanMode [auto] thermostatSetpoint [76]

    [app:618](http://hubitat/logs#app618)2020-05-10 09:33:41.201 pm [debug](http://hubitat/installedapp/configure/618)[Office HVAC Child] (sendCode_Fujitsu[lastThermostatSetpoint:74, thermostatSetpoint:75, lastHeatingSetpoint:56, heatingSetpoint:70, lastCoolingSetpoint:68, coolingSetpoint:68, lastThermostatMode:off, thermostatMode:heat, lastThermostatFanMode:auto, thermostatFanMode:auto])

    [dev:589](http://hubitat/logs#dev589)2020-05-10 09:33:38.210 pm [debug](http://hubitat/device/edit/589)[Office HVAC DRIVER] Send_Event - Sending event [[name:thermostatOperatingState, value:heating, descriptionText:thermostatOperatingState set to heating}, isStateChange:true]]

    [dev:589](http://hubitat/logs#dev589)2020-05-10 09:33:38.199 pm [debug](http://hubitat/device/edit/589)[Office HVAC DRIVER] Send_Event - Sending event [[name:thermostatOperatingState, value:heating, descriptionText:thermostatOperatingState set to heating}, isStateChange:true]]

With the Fujitsu 120 protocol:

[dev:586](http://hubitat/logs#dev586)2020-05-10 09:36:22.830 pm [error](http://hubitat/device/edit/586)java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke method toInteger() on null object on line 577 (SendCode)

[app:618](http://hubitat/logs#app618)2020-05-10 09:36:22.713 pm [debug](http://hubitat/installedapp/configure/618)binary bitmap: [001010001100011000000000000010000000100000111111000100000000110010000101001000000000000000000000000000000000000011010100]

[app:618](http://hubitat/logs#app618)2020-05-10 09:36:22.710 pm [debug](http://hubitat/installedapp/configure/618)raw bitmap: [[20, 99, 0, 16, 16, 252, 8, 48, 161, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 43]]

[app:618](http://hubitat/logs#app618)2020-05-10 09:36:22.708 pm [debug](http://hubitat/installedapp/configure/618)raw bitmap: [[20, 99, 0, 16, 16, 252, 8, 48, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 137]]

[app:618](http://hubitat/logs#app618)2020-05-10 09:36:22.705 pm [debug](http://hubitat/installedapp/configure/618)[Office HVAC Child] sendCode_Fujitsu120 called - thermostatMode [heat] thermostatFanMode [auto] thermostatSetpoint [80]

[app:618](http://hubitat/logs#app618)2020-05-10 09:36:22.685 pm [debug](http://hubitat/installedapp/configure/618)[Office HVAC Child] (sendCode_Fujitsu120)

[dev:589](http://hubitat/logs#dev589)2020-05-10 09:36:19.697 pm [debug](http://hubitat/device/edit/589)[Office HVAC DRIVER] Send_Event - Sending event [[name:thermostatOperatingState, value:heating, descriptionText:thermostatOperatingState set to heating}, isStateChange:true]]

[app:618](http://hubitat/logs#app618)2020-05-10 09:36:19.685 pm [debug](http://hubitat/installedapp/configure/618)[Office HVAC Child] (getOperatingState) Setting thermostatOperatingState to [heating]

[app:618](http://hubitat/logs#app618)2020-05-10 09:36:19.682 pm [debug](http://hubitat/installedapp/configure/618)[Office HVAC Child] (getOperatingState) Mode [heat] Temperature [69.80] Setpoint [80.0] cSetpoint [68] hSetpoint [80]

[dev:589](http://hubitat/logs#dev589)2020-05-10 09:36:19.663 pm [debug](http://hubitat/device/edit/589)[Office HVAC DRIVER] Send_Event - Sending event [[name:thermostatOperatingState, value:heating, descriptionText:thermostatOperatingState set to heating}, isStateChange:true]]

[app:618](http://hubitat/logs#app618)2020-05-10 09:36:19.640 pm [debug](http://hubitat/installedapp/configure/618)[Office HVAC Child] (getOperatingState) Setting thermostatOperatingState to [heating]

[app:618](http://hubitat/logs#app618)2020-05-10 09:36:19.637 pm [debug](http://hubitat/installedapp/configure/618)[Office HVAC Child] (getOperatingState) Mode [heat] Temperature [69.80] Setpoint [80.0] cSetpoint [68] hSetpoint [80]

[app:618](http://hubitat/logs#app618)2020-05-10 09:36:19.617 pm [debug](http://hubitat/installedapp/configure/618)[Office HVAC Child] (getOperatingState) Determining thermostatOperatingState

[app:618](http://hubitat/logs#app618)2020-05-10 09:36:19.581 pm [debug](http://hubitat/installedapp/configure/618)[Office HVAC Child] (getOperatingState) Determining thermostatOperatingState

[app:618](http://hubitat/logs#app618)2020-05-10 09:36:19.556 pm [debug](http://hubitat/installedapp/configure/618)[Office HVAC Child] (handleThermostatEvents) Thermostat state changed - Scheduling device update

[app:618](http://hubitat/logs#app618)2020-05-10 09:36:19.550 pm [debug](http://hubitat/installedapp/configure/618)[Office HVAC Child] (handleThermostatEvents) Received event [source: DEVICE, name: heatingSetpoint, value: 80, isStateChange: true]

Device 586 is the RM3-Mini controlling the Office HVAC.

With Hubitat_RC_HVAC v0.14 and Hubitat-Broadlink_v0.49.zip I get the following errors:


dev:5862020-05-10 10:06:09.761 pm errorjava.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke method toInteger() on null object on line 577 (generateIR)

app:6182020-05-10 10:06:09.627 pm debugraw bitmap: [[20, 99, 0, 16, 16, 254, 9, 48, 161, 4, 2, 0, 0, 0, 32, 0]]

app:6182020-05-10 10:06:09.623 pm debug[Office HVAC Child] sendCode_Fujitsu called - thermostatMode [heat] thermostatFanMode [medium] thermostatSetpoint [80]

app:6182020-05-10 10:06:09.594 pm debug[Office HVAC Child] (sendCode_Fujitsu)

app:6182020-05-10 10:06:06.592 pm errorjava.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke method currentState() on null object on line 806 (handleThermostatEvents)

app:6182020-05-10 10:06:06.583 pm debug[Office HVAC Child] (getOperatingState) Determining thermostatOperatingState

app:6182020-05-10 10:06:06.536 pm errorjava.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke method currentState() on null object on line 806 (handleThermostatEvents)

app:6182020-05-10 10:06:06.530 pm debug[Office HVAC Child] (getOperatingState) Determining thermostatOperatingState

app:6182020-05-10 10:06:06.445 pm debug[Office HVAC Child] (handleThermostatEvents) Thermostat state changed - Scheduling device update

app:6182020-05-10 10:06:06.436 pm debug[Office HVAC Child] (handleThermostatEvents) Thermostat state changed - Scheduling device update

app:6182020-05-10 10:06:06.426 pm debug[Office HVAC Child] (handleThermostatEvents) Received event [source: DEVICE, name: heatingSetpoint, value: 80, isStateChange: true]

app:6182020-05-10 10:06:06.420 pm debug[Office HVAC Child] (handleThermostatEvents) Received event [source: DEVICE, name: thermostatSetpoint, value: 80.0, isStateChange: true]

dev:5892020-05-10 10:06:06.292 pm debug[Office HVAC DRIVER] setCommonSetpoint: Executing 'setCommonSetpoint' with [80.0] originally [80])

dev:5892020-05-10 10:06:06.274 pm debug[Office HVAC DRIVER] clampTemp: triming value 80 to 80.0

dev:5892020-05-10 10:06:06.271 pm debug[Office HVAC DRIVER] Executing 'setCommonSetpoint' - thermostatMode [heat] cooltemp [68] heattemp [80]

dev:5892020-05-10 10:06:06.266 pm debug[Office HVAC DRIVER] processing 'setHeatingSetpoint' with [80]

dev:5892020-05-10 10:06:06.264 pm debug[Office HVAC DRIVER] getValidHeatSetpoint: no restriction for temperature value 80

dev:5892020-05-10 10:06:06.256 pm debug[Office HVAC DRIVER] getValidHeatSetpoint: testing heat setpoint for temperature value 80

dev:5892020-05-10 10:06:06.253 pm debug[Office HVAC DRIVER] Executing 'setHeatingSetpoint' with 80

app:6182020-05-10 10:06:06.189 pm errorjava.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke method currentState() on null object on line 806 (handleThermostatEvents)

app:6182020-05-10 10:06:06.180 pm debug[Office HVAC Child] (getOperatingState) Determining thermostatOperatingState

app:6182020-05-10 10:06:06.121 pm errorjava.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke method currentState() on null object on line 806 (handleThermostatEvents)

app:6182020-05-10 10:06:06.109 pm debug[Office HVAC Child] (getOperatingState) Determining thermostatOperatingState

app:6182020-05-10 10:06:06.072 pm debug[Office HVAC Child] (handleThermostatEvents) Thermostat state changed - Scheduling device update

app:6182020-05-10 10:06:06.062 pm debug[Office HVAC Child] (handleThermostatEvents) Thermostat state changed - Scheduling device update

app:6182020-05-10 10:06:06.059 pm debug[Office HVAC Child] (handleThermostatEvents) Received event [source: DEVICE, name: heatingSetpoint, value: 81, isStateChange: true]

app:6182020-05-10 10:06:06.052 pm debug[Office HVAC Child] (handleThermostatEvents) Received event [source: DEVICE, name: thermostatSetpoint, value: 81.0, isStateChange: true]

dev:5892020-05-10 10:06:05.952 pm debug[Office HVAC DRIVER] setCommonSetpoint: Executing 'setCommonSetpoint' with [81.0] originally [81])

dev:5892020-05-10 10:06:05.949 pm debug[Office HVAC DRIVER] clampTemp: triming value 81 to 81.0

dev:5892020-05-10 10:06:05.947 pm debug[Office HVAC DRIVER] Executing 'setCommonSetpoint' - thermostatMode [heat] cooltemp [68] heattemp [81]

dev:5892020-05-10 10:06:05.942 pm debug[Office HVAC DRIVER] processing 'setHeatingSetpoint' with [81]

dev:5892020-05-10 10:06:05.939 pm debug[Office HVAC DRIVER] getValidHeatSetpoint: no restriction for temperature value 81

dev:5892020-05-10 10:06:05.937 pm debug[Office HVAC DRIVER] getValidHeatSetpoint: testing heat setpoint for temperature value 81

dev:5892020-05-10 10:06:05.934 pm debug[Office HVAC DRIVER] Executing 'setHeatingSetpoint' with 81

dev:6132020-05-10 10:06:02.630 pm infoOffice HVAC Motion Control was turned off

dev:6132020-05-10 10:06:00.344 pm infoOffice HVAC Motion Control was turned on

dev:5862020-05-10 10:05:58.888 pm errorjava.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke method toInteger() on null object on line 577 (generateIR)

app:6182020-05-10 10:05:58.772 pm debugraw bitmap: [[20, 99, 0, 16, 16, 254, 9, 48, 177, 4, 2, 0, 0, 0, 32, 0]]

app:6182020-05-10 10:05:58.769 pm debug[Office HVAC Child] sendCode_Fujitsu called - thermostatMode [heat] thermostatFanMode [medium] thermostatSetpoint [82]

app:6182020-05-10 10:05:58.747 pm debug[Office HVAC Child] (sendCode_Fujitsu)

app:6182020-05-10 10:05:55.704 pm errorjava.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke method currentState() on null object on line 806 (handleThermostatEvents)

app:6182020-05-10 10:05:55.693 pm debug[Office HVAC Child] (getOperatingState) Determining thermostatOperatingState

app:6182020-05-10 10:05:55.666 pm debug[Office HVAC Child] (handleThermostatEvents) Thermostat state changed - Scheduling device update

app:6182020-05-10 10:05:55.659 pm debug[Office HVAC Child] (handleThermostatEvents) Received event [source: DEVICE, name: thermostatFanMode, value: medium, isStateChange: true]

dev:5892020-05-10 10:05:55.603 pm debug[Office HVAC DRIVER] Executing 'fanMedium'

dev:5892020-05-10 10:05:55.600 pm debug[Office HVAC DRIVER] setThermostatFanMode(medium)

app:6182020-05-10 10:05:54.125 pm errorjava.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke method currentState() on null object on line 806 (getOperatingState)

app:6182020-05-10 10:05:54.116 pm debug[Office HVAC Child] (getOperatingState) Determining thermostatOperatingState

dev:5862020-05-10 10:05:52.756 pm errorjava.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke method toInteger() on null object on line 577 (generateIR)

app:6182020-05-10 10:05:52.514 pm debugraw bitmap: [[20, 99, 0, 16, 16, 254, 9, 48, 177, 4, 1, 0, 0, 0, 32, 0]]

app:6182020-05-10 10:05:52.511 pm debug[Office HVAC Child] sendCode_Fujitsu called - thermostatMode [heat] thermostatFanMode [high] thermostatSetpoint [82]

app:6182020-05-10 10:05:52.484 pm debug[Office HVAC Child] (sendCode_Fujitsu)

app:6182020-05-10 10:05:49.459 pm errorjava.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke method currentState() on null object on line 806 (handleThermostatEvents)

app:6182020-05-10 10:05:49.454 pm debug[Office HVAC Child] (getOperatingState) Determining thermostatOperatingState

app:6182020-05-10 10:05:49.431 pm errorjava.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke method currentState() on null object on line 806 (handleThermostatEvents)

app:6182020-05-10 10:05:49.422 pm debug[Office HVAC Child] (getOperatingState) Determining thermostatOperatingState

app:6182020-05-10 10:05:49.346 pm debug[Office HVAC Child] (handleThermostatEvents) Thermostat state changed - Scheduling device update

app:6182020-05-10 10:05:49.340 pm debug[Office HVAC Child] (handleThermostatEvents) Thermostat state changed - Scheduling device update

app:6182020-05-10 10:05:49.331 pm debug[Office HVAC Child] (handleThermostatEvents) Received event [source: DEVICE, name: thermostatSetpoint, value: 82.0, isStateChange: true]

app:6182020-05-10 10:05:49.326 pm debug[Office HVAC Child] (handleThermostatEvents) Received event [source: DEVICE, name: heatingSetpoint, value: 82, isStateChange: true]

dev:5892020-05-10 10:05:49.250 pm debug[Office HVAC DRIVER] setCommonSetpoint: Executing 'setCommonSetpoint' with [82.0] originally [82])

dev:5892020-05-10 10:05:49.240 pm debug[Office HVAC DRIVER] clampTemp: triming value 82 to 82.0

dev:5892020-05-10 10:05:49.237 pm debug[Office HVAC DRIVER] Executing 'setCommonSetpoint' - thermostatMode [heat] cooltemp [68] heattemp [82]

dev:5892020-05-10 10:05:49.212 pm debug[Office HVAC DRIVER] processing 'setHeatingSetpoint' with [82]

dev:5892020-05-10 10:05:49.209 pm debug[Office HVAC DRIVER] getValidHeatSetpoint: no restriction for temperature value 82

dev:5892020-05-10 10:05:49.205 pm debug[Office HVAC DRIVER] getValidHeatSetpoint: testing heat setpoint for temperature value 82

dev:5892020-05-10 10:05:49.201 pm debug[Office HVAC DRIVER] Executing 'setHeatingSetpoint' with 82

app:6182020-05-10 10:05:49.177 pm errorjava.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke method currentState() on null object on line 806 (handleThermostatEvents)

app:6182020-05-10 10:05:49.163 pm debug[Office HVAC Child] (getOperatingState) Determining thermostatOperatingState

app:6182020-05-10 10:05:49.081 pm errorjava.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke method currentState() on null object on line 806 (handleThermostatEvents)

app:6182020-05-10 10:05:49.078 pm debug[Office HVAC Child] (getOperatingState) Determining thermostatOperatingState

app:6182020-05-10 10:05:49.028 pm debug[Office HVAC Child] (handleThermostatEvents) Thermostat state changed - Scheduling device update

app:6182020-05-10 10:05:49.016 pm debug[Office HVAC Child] (handleThermostatEvents) Thermostat state changed - Scheduling device update

app:6182020-05-10 10:05:49.004 pm debug[Office HVAC Child] (handleThermostatEvents) Received event [source: DEVICE, name: heatingSetpoint, value: 83, isStateChange: true]

app:6182020-05-10 10:05:49.001 pm debug[Office HVAC Child] (handleThermostatEvents) Received event [source: DEVICE, name: thermostatSetpoint, value: 83.0, isStateChange: true]

dev:5892020-05-10 10:05:48.929 pm debug[Office HVAC DRIVER] setCommonSetpoint: Executing 'setCommonSetpoint' with [83.0] originally [83])

dev:5892020-05-10 10:05:48.926 pm debug[Office HVAC DRIVER] clampTemp: triming value 83 to 83.0

dev:5892020-05-10 10:05:48.918 pm debug[Office HVAC DRIVER] Executing 'setCommonSetpoint' - thermostatMode [heat] cooltemp [68] heattemp [83]

dev:5892020-05-10 10:05:48.910 pm debug[Office HVAC DRIVER] processing 'setHeatingSetpoint' with [83]

dev:5892020-05-10 10:05:48.907 pm debug[Office HVAC DRIVER] getValidHeatSetpoint: no restriction for temperature value 83

dev:5892020-05-10 10:05:48.901 pm debug[Office HVAC DRIVER] getValidHeatSetpoint: testing heat setpoint for temperature value 83

dev:5892020-05-10 10:05:48.895 pm debug[Office HVAC DRIVER] Executing 'setHeatingSetpoint' with 83

As an aside, I would have be glad to test versions between the working combination of Broadlink Driver + HVAC app & the current releases, but I can't find a way in this forum to see the version history of an edited post for the previous download links. I know that Github is out, but would you consider either making the older versions available directly or using some public version control repo?

In any case, I'm grateful to have smart control of the HVAC units, despite any glitches.

I just posted yet another update to:

RC HVAC Manager

  • v0.26:
    fixed - Support for a Fujitsu120 protocol broke Fujitsu protocol.

Broadlink Manager

  • v0.50:
    fixed - code transmission failed when code sent to a child device that did not have code repeats explicitly set (child device create by app < v0.46)

Well I found the spot for the acceleration.. At first look it seems like a lot to change it over to a contact sensor. Was hoping it was just a few lines of code but it just goes to show how much work you have put into this great app/driver/code.

I just updated.

No more Java errors in the logs, but there doesn't seem to be any transmission from the Broadlink to the HVAC -- no change in HVAC status despite changing the thermostat settings. I've turned the device command transmit delay on & off, with no change.

I did see one instance of this error:
app:642 2020-05-11 03:04:56.657 pm errororg.h2.jdbc.JdbcSQLException: Column "multiple" not found [42122-197] on line 992 (extHandler)

where app # 642 is the Thermostat Scheduler that corresponds to the RC HVAC Manager child device.

What additional information can I provide?

I'm a little reluctant to remove the RC HVAC Manager child apps or the Broadcom devices, as I've got Rule Machine rules that reference each (and editing RM is such a PITA!), but I'll do that if there's no easier way to update my early-adopter devices.

That error is a database error, and indicates that you have an issue with the Hubitat database. You may want to contact Hubitat support to help remedy that condition.

There is no need to remove child apps or devices... The issue has been resolved in the code...

There has to be something else going on. Please make sure that you have debug logging and debugVerbose logging enabled for the RC HVAC child app and device driver and the broadlink driver and try doing some changes to the thermostat setting, and capture the logs so I can trace what going on (submit the logs by PM).

Okay, I found the problem. This new set of blinds (same brand - Yoolax) has a new remote that transmits the signal in a longer burst. When you get to the 'tap the button on the remote repeatedly' you have to wait for a bit until the previous action has stopped (the remote shows a little wifi icon when it is still transmitting). Pausing for 20 seconds after the first long press before starting to click repeatedly did the trick. (and a side note that firmware 44 on the Broadlink will CLOUD LOCK the device if you use the app to go beyond connecting it to the wifi). Your code is excellent - thank you!

I don't think that Fujitsu120 is meant to be seen as an improvement on the pre-existing Fujitsu driver. They are just different models.

My Fujitsu AC units just didn't respond at all to the "Fujitsu" driver. When I put on full debug logging on each component I could then see that the RM Pro and RM Mini were being driven properly and transmitting. Just the codes were not recognised by the HVAC units.

With the "Fujitsu120" driver the codes transmitted are recognised by my HVAC.

If your HVAC used to respond to the "Fujitsu" driver - its not entirely surprising it doesn't respond to codes generated with the "Fujitsu120" driver.

Hi Mate,

Should the Fujitsu or Fujitsu120 work on Wall mounted air conditioning units like the below?

I am not getting any response from the unit with either selected.

These Codes work to control my Fujitsu via the Broadcom Manager.


G’day @ozsmarthome,

Not going to be able to help. Dumb user here.

Just shared (above) how @cybrmage sorted me out.

Hi Mate, @nwmclean
What post you referring to?
