Wireless Tags

I picked up a few wireless tags recently, and Iā€™m impressed with the accuracy and logging.

Since thereā€™s no HE port yet, Iā€™m using the ST community integration with hubconnect to get sensor data into HE.

But the way the ST smartapp seems to be reporting temperature, itā€™s ignoring any decimal points. Itā€™s not even rounding, so 75.9 degrees looks like 75 degrees to ST.

I donā€™t know anything about groovy or other programming languages, but it seems like these lines of code are related?

def getTemperature(value) {
	def celsius = value
	if(getTemperatureScale() == "C"){
		return celsius
	} else {
		return celsiusToFahrenheit(celsius) as Integer

Does anyone know if it will always show an integer in the ST app, even though the tags can report much more precise values than that? Or is there a way to change the smartapp code to allow the tagā€™s decimal place readings to be shown?

Can you tell me where I can purchase some of these wireless tags so I can check my house plants as well? Also could they be used on outside plants exposed to the elements?

Thank you very much! These look very cool. Do you have to also buy the ethernet tag manager on this site, or can you use the hubitat hub to receive data from the tags?

You would need the tag manager. I haven't used them in a while now so don't know what is current or not.

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I just got my tag stuff today... definitely will be working on getting these going. Is there a module out there already or does one need ported over from ST? The thread wasnā€™t really clear on it. If neither, Iā€™ll trail writing my own :slight_smile:

See this thread:

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