I'm building my house now and planning to create it a autumated home
I choosed the hubitat to be the hub and now I'm thinking about the motion sensor.
My requirements for the motion sensor:
great accuracy - i will use it to turn off/on lights. AC, blinds ets. So need it to detect minor motion as well
long life battery (better without batteey). I can now choose where to put wiring places so i can use wired MT.
Not big or ugly - edit: !(big || ugly)
I found this one and it's look promising. Is it good and can work with HE?
if not, can you recommend me of a good one? https://expo.tuya.com/product/842246
Be aware a lot of Tuya branded devices are problematic when paired to any hub different than Tuya zigbee gateway,
So going with Aeotec is a wise choice!
Zigbee is a good solution but you might want to try other options other than Tuya. Just go on Amazon and buy a Zigbee motion. I have found that if it says it is compatible directly with Alexa then it will work on Hubitat. Here is a good example.
Definitely the Tuya ones are not as good as the others but if you want a cheap Zigbee motion it will probably be a Tuya based one. My point is there are good ones and bad ones. The ones that work out of the box with Alexa tend to be the better to the two. I use these guys for non critical stuff and they seem to work without an issue. I use Zooz or Aotech for my critical functions.
Agree, I also use Tuya sensors with Hubitat, but some of them are painful to setup. The main reason I have purchased such things is just because they are cheap... But the quality and the reliability of some of these things are extremely bad! For example, the battery cell holders of some Tuya branded sensors are of nearly zero quality!
For low priced motion sensors I would recommend Xiaomi / Aqara,
How are the above sensors identified in Hubitat? TS0202 ? And what driver are you using?
Hi, I am currently waiting for my Hubitat to be delivered and I am thinking about what to do with it. I am not new to smarthomes but also definitively not a pro. So far I have used a Fibaro Homecenter 2, so I already own a bunch of zwave components, mostly Fibaro stuff.
The thing I am most fed up with is battery powered devices. Obviously they have their uses (for example door/window sensors, haven´t had to change a battery yet) but I am not a fan of constantly running around the house and changing batteries. So wherever possible I would prefer to use wired options.
For now, the most urgent thing I want to replace are most of my battery powered motion sensors. So I have been scouring the internet to find ones that work reliably and can be powered by 220V. I am not that interested in having "Multisensors", so I think Zigbee would be a nice option, preferably ones that act as nodes? (is that the right term? I mean devices that work as "repeaters")
I hope someone can point me in the right direction. 220V would be nice, but other wired options could also work for some of my applications. In-ceiling mounted options would also be nice.
Thx in advance,
(Edit: is it possible to pair a plain 22OV PIR Sensor with something like a Fibaro FGS-213 | FGS-223 to make it work? Using the PIR Sensor instead of a wall switch as input)