Wink to start charging $4.99 a month to control your devices UNBELIEVABLE

Exactly what I meant when I said that Hubitat knew what space they were getting into.

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Just bought in at 130, was shopping here a few weeks ago at 75 and held out, oh well. Have lots of stupid questions, hopefully the $55 premium covers a few :wink:


No questions are stupid. But please be patient.


I was just wondering, since when you do the Wink Relay setup in HE, you have to log in to your Wink account once.

Here here! I was going to bring up the exact same points, but you have put it much more eloquently :+1:


I get why they are doing it, but it's not a smart move. The subscription model will always command the latest and greatest features. Many people will jump ship, when they don't provide.

My issue is that as recently as May 3rd, $99.99 was listed as the regular price on the Hubitat website. For someone who has been considering buying, the price jumped $30 before their eyes.


I was never a wink user so I don't know much about how the hub works. If the company were to go bankrupt instead, would all wink customers lose control of their connected devices?

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Don't they usually run Mothers and Fathers Day sales? Perhaps they wanted to have a basis to have a sale off of the higher price. I think when people switch platforms, they are more likely to jump when they think they are getting a limited time deal. That is sort of what I did...let me buy it while its cheaper. Anyway, I am probably wrong, will see what happens. I have a friend who is on Wink now who is looking to jump due to the combination of the fee and lack of update/support.

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Sure, from the standpoint of maximizing profits I can understand it. But it feels like a big middle finger to everyone jumping ship from the sinking Wink platform, who don't have many options at the moment.

I think you can hold your finger over the proximity sensor; and the bottom button (I think? Been a while) and you can bypass that altogether. I’ve never logged in on mine.

I'm surprised no one has mentioned law suit.

Seems like a major bait and switch, though its possible their EULA has words to protect them.

I haven't looked but it probably does. Every other platform has language that basically says "this might go away in the future and there's nothing you can do about it." Hubitat, SmartThings, etc. "This" meaning the cloud-connected component of the system, at the very least.

Whether every clause of every company's TOS is really enforceable is a different question I guess. And anyone can file a lawsuit to test that in this specific case. The only guaranteed winners are lawyers on both sides.

Is it a bait and switch for someone that initially bought into wink 3 years ago? 1 year ago? Two days ago before the announcement?


Thinking more about this scenario.... this is why I have always much preferred Zwave/Zigbee over Wifi. Almost all Wifi devices require some cloud service or app to make them work (even if just to set them up in the first place)

All devices I need, I try to buy ones with no dependancies.


While you're at it, can you add the Power Pivot? :blush: It's my last item still on Wink.


That, the Nimbus, and the quirky air conditioner that my coworker has :slight_smile:

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Ok wait. Eggminders I had heard about. The piggy bank I remember you discussed in another thread a while back.

But propane thingy? Even for wink that seems too weird to be a good idea... :exploding_head:

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just a glorified weigh scale ...

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Hmm, so no local control of some kind of blowtorch thingy is in the cards, even if @adamkempenich had the time before the wink cloud shuts down? Could be a good addition to HSM intrusion alerts.
