Wink status

It's like watching a fish flop on a pier trying to breathe. It's both facinating and sad at the same time...

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Having once been a Wink customer I can only say... schadenfreude.


I was pretty happy when I was able to sell my Wink 2 hub for a decent price a couple of years ago. I didn't feel bad for the buyer. For some inexplicable reason he wanted another one. The Facebook group was a fun trainwreck to watch until I got tossed.


Look for the otherone.. ..It's fun... You'll understand when you see the full name of the group

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Found it. Love the name. As an early escapee it is interesting to track the spiral. Stockholm syndrome is apparently a thing, even in the tech world. Admitting you've made a mistake and being willing to move on is apparently very difficult for some. Some of those folks are likely still hoarding their 8 tracks.


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