WINK migration ... need simpl

I think the problem is that the OP in this case is either unwilling or doesn't have the time to learn Hubitat and expects a turn key system. I love Hubitat as much as the rest of you, but let's be real - going to 192.168.1.x on a browser is a lot more jarring and complicated than just downloading an app and doing everything from the app.

If OP wanted something similar to the Wink, ST is his closest bet. Sure it's cloud based and all that, but if I'm correct about the OP, ST is the platform that best suits his needs. And yes, sorry OP - you're going to have to do a general device exclusion and reset all your devices no matter what. I also don't think ST is going away any time soon either, I keep up with their development and they're doing some interesting things.

My only real issue is people blindly (not directed at you by any means) recommending Hubitat and systems that are on another level to people that expect a simple turn key system. I've seen it happen on reddit and other forums a lot, and it ends up in "buyer beware" posts like this.

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Many of us former Wink users are encouraging people to get off Wink and onto something stable before they go out of business. Wink has been on shaky ground for a long while now. It was bad enough when they hadn't added any new devices and integrations in a couple years, and it was apparent to many of us the situation was getting worse when they outright lied when they said they added new products this past Spring. Now with not paying employees in weeks, you had better figure out a strategy if you don't want your smart home to become dumb at some random point in time.

Most of us former Wink users are encouraging people to choose a non-cloud based solution due to many months/years of enduring the unreliability of Wink servers. Why jump from Wink to Smartthings and have the same dependency on the cloud? That leaves Hubitat, Home Assistant, or Homeseer. Homeseer is outrageously expensive, and Home Assistant is very complex to learn. That leaves Hubitat.

Exactly. For good or for bad, Wink did everything for us. It told you how to exclude, include, and walked you through step by step. It did everything in the background for you. Other hubs never did this method. It takes time to get used to having to click "strange" buttons in Hubitat when you have never heard of or seen of these previously.

I left Wink in 2014 shortly after I got the hub. It was just too restricted. If you wanted something to happen you had to wait until they created the ability to make it happen. If you wanted a Zwave device, you needed to wait until they supported it.

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SmartThings is the LAST place I would go.
It's Samsung. I spent a LOT of money on their rubbish Family Hub ... and discovered their support is worse than Wink :frowning:
So, since then I bought an LG dishwasher, GE Washer and Dryer, Rheem water heater, GE oven; all Smart.
During the day, I code ... I do not want to come home and code as well. I did do a bit of IFTTT once but I found myself balancing JS and JQuery during the day.
Apparently the SO wants to spend time with me, not a keyboard???
If I could reach anyone AT Wink, I'd drop by and see what help they need ... it has to be a viable company if they would charge a monthly stipend?

Fair point. However, it's still my opinion that the cloud dependency of ST is not as big of a deal as HA enthusiasts make it out to be. This is coming from someone who was on ST for 2 years, then moved to Hubitat, then HomeSeer and now finally HomeAssistant. (I still keep Hubitat running because nothing beats the device support and community).

Hubitat has the potential to be a power house if they refined the onboarding and user experience a bit, focused on making the app a little more than.. whatever it is now and did more to pull in people from Wink/ST and other "beginner" level hubs. I have a feeling that we're going to be seeing a lot more posts like this as more and more Wink refugees hit the market looking for a new home. Clock's ticking though - the HA market is rapidly changing and more players are emerging, all looking for a piece of that Home Automation pie.

Also a very early adopter. I was blown over by Nathan Smith and Ben Kauffman describing a hub with six radios (WiFi, BT, Z-wave, Zigbee, Lutron ClearConnect, Kidde) that would be compatible with everything. Ben, not Nathan, also indicated that user configurable device drivers and more sophisticated cloud based automations were coming soon. Neither of those events transpired.

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Unfortunately now I can’t tell if you’re trolling us.

You listed legitimate complaints, but just seem to spout more complaints rather than partner with all of us willing to help you. Every suggestion is met with an explanation of why it won’t work for you. Even the suggestion on SmartThings. Maybe you’re just frustrated and venting?

But then you posted the above about Wink being a viable company - yet just a few hours earlier you asked when Wink’s servers were going too stop. So either you’re aware that Wink did not pay their staff for 7 weeks as of Oct 25 or you believe that Wink has a viable business model and just needs your help (I thought you didn’t want to spend time writing code to make a smart home function?)

Too much of what you’re saying just isn’t adding up.

Are you here to vent, or do you legitimately want our help?


That list convinced me to buy a Wink 1 because it was the same list as StaplesConnect plus kidde. What a colossal loss of opportunity Wink pursued. I didn't even use it a full day. Maybe I'm still waiting for it to become viable.

I'm going to wait for that announcement that @gadgetitis has solved their ills and I finally make use of their Hub. I've waited this long, another couple of weeks can't hurt, I guess.


If only they had made the decision to fix Wink's problems earlier. Sold my hub on eBay for ~$20 more than I bought it for - I kidde you not.


I consider it worthless and therefore never thought to foist it on some poor user. But for $20 more, I think I should have talked to you 3 years ago. :slight_smile:

Flex did a good job on the hardware, but the software is one of the worst UX experiences I’ve had, and very rudimentary. To do anything fancy, you had to use Stringify, and that’s now unavailable too.

I left for the same reasons as the rest of you have pointed out.

If the OP really wants help, then the good people here are willing to spend their free time giving it. But I too am beginning to question the motives. Claiming you know how to code, but that a PhD is required to understand this doesn’t add up at all. Many of us here cannot code and I’m going to assume don’t hold a PhD in anything.

The big problem with coming from Wink is that you were never shown the reality of what’s really behind getting these various technologies from different manufacturers to work together. I’m speaking from experience, having been a Wink user at one time too.


I see what you did there! :joy:

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Didn't see that accusation coming. :laughing:
I am not a troll. Have used WINK for at least 5 years?
Then "this" problem raises its ugly head.
Word on the street has it that "William" owed / \owes the IRS back taxes - did he buy WINK for a tax write off?
I manage a team of "coders" in a different market segment. Happen to be an angel investor.
And I'd like status quo. WRT HA,
As such, if I could provide WINK with a "bridge (loan)" I might if I could see a light in the end of the tunnel.
(I should probably not be even suggesting this on this forum?
But it seems they cannot even be reached.)
But I've became, as many here, a WINK refugee to Hubitat that seems to have incredible POTENTIAL but today does not meet simple consumer needs as it is too complicated.
If I knew that WINK were going to be around (however it happened), I would just shut up, and continue using it (WINK).
Instead, I do not want to make myself unwelcome by asking a thousand questions.
And, as stated, my USA house is for sale. Let the buyer figure it out?
I live in Europe most of the time where I have no need for this ... not yet.
Happy, craigspree? :slight_smile:

I'm not sure all of it is "free time" since I see many of you here during business hours. Am I right. :wink:

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Every minute I spend helping someone else is free for them, and my time! :wink:


I wasn't referring to you. It is all the other "good people" or at least most of them.


In 6 hours you've gotten 35 responses by a vast array of people the would like to assist.. if only we knew what to focus on.. I'm certain that there's a LOT that can be done to assist a specific set of new purchasers... but no one that's responded can get that done by this evening. :slight_smile:

Thus, if there's a specific thing you'd like help with, ask. If it's for better documentation, which would be great, as long as it wasn't written by me.. :slight_smile: then it may be a while.

You've heard that the terminology is going to be more complicated here on the Hubitat community. That's intentional, I'm afraid. No one else left in the Home Automation universe is offering that other model. (aka, hide the terminology behind simple buttons.) It's sad because it's a good idea, but it's an idea that takes too many resources and delays the rapid pace of Development forced upon us.

APPS. == Code you copy/paste into the Apps Code menu item to Extend the Hub's suite of features. There's a Built In set as well. 99% of what you do will probably (I'm guessing) work within the two main Apps: Simple Lighting and Motion Lighting. Yes, you must click a button to "install" the app.. (aka bring it down from the internal library shelf and put it on the In Use shelf.) From there, USING an App usually involves clicking to select devices that are logically connected and answer questions about how you want to use the feature.

DRIVERS. == Code you copy/paste into the Driver Code menu item to Extend the types of devices supported on your hub. There are a large number of built-in drivers too. You also have to click a button to install them. Most Wink users will find that a few of the devices they own will need a community developed driver. Reserve pursuing this to the end, if you can.

Include/Exclude/Factory Reset == the mechanism for divorcing a physical Zwave (or Zigbee) from it's old Hub making it willing to join a new hub. This is very very critical with ZWave. Any hub can exclude any ZWave device. You could pop a device from your home, walk it down to your friend's house, power it, and have them Exclude it for you. That is not advice, just a concept.. Hubitat can tell the physical device to divorce itself from Wink. Wink will NOT know that happened.

I think you need to get TWO devices Excluded from Wink and Included into Hubitat first.

Just advice. :slight_smile:


I think the OP definitely seems in a rush due to the house sale situation, that's always going to be tough with products like Hubitat, given the market segment they serve is different to where Wink and Iris sat. Not all products are targeted at the entry-level consumer, and HE certainly isn't, and they are definitely maturing the product over time to increase consumer friendliness.


I misunderstood I guess because you quoted me directly. All good :+1:t2: I’m not sore, just a little grouchy today I guess. Still fighting a cold that’s affected my serenity :wink: