Will the UI ever get better?


Don’t forget about Rule Machine.


That's good, I was worried I had done something to upset the applecart.... I'll call off the raid,,,, :wink:


Shhh... We can't make our class action for shared revenue by claiming ground like this... :wink:


I'm in agreement if you're talking UX, but in regard to UI I really don't personally see Hubitat having an edge in that one aspect. I really like dark mode and HE doesn't offer that. I also think it's really nice to see battery level at a glance in the devices list when available, without the need for a separate community app to do so (regardless of my opinion that battery level is generally unreliable from a driver). I also think it's way easier to move a slider while watching the light to get the level I'm looking for when I build an automation, rather than multiple guesses by entering numbers and pressing a button to find the light level, but that particular point is a mix of UI and UX

Three steps. Hubitat is one step, except for the initial step where you have to display as a list. However this isn't something you have to do all the time, and if we're talking about ease of use, Hubitat has the edge, but HA has the better look.

Again, three steps but also not something you need all the time, so burying it a bit to keep the UI looking cleaner is OK in my opinion. Hubitat again gets the edge for ease of use, but the clean UI goes to HA.

[tap the device name under "Controls"]
[Tap the gear]

Two steps. It's not a straight forward answer though. Some integrations require more steps. Same as Hubitat. For usability, it's a draw, but for UI appearance, the edge goes to HA.

[Select + Add device]

Edge goes to Hubitat, but not something I have used very much in all the time I've had my Hubitat hub. I can find it on HA, but it's not as easy no question. Good that I don't actually care since I bring all my HA devices into Hubitat for automation. :wink:

Everything I need to see is here. Again, hiding info that isn't constantly needed is fine for the sake of a cleaner looking UI that's not scary to users that keep telling us it's daugnting to see all this info in their face at once. This is exactly why Apple takes a similar approach, and limits what they think the average person doesn't need. Not everyone agrees and they're not always right, but it looks good. Even Samsung likes what Apple did. They practically copied them directly. :joy:

So getting back to UI and not UX :face_with_raised_eyebrow:, Hubitat doesn't have the edge. Maybe this is the problem. Everytime someone says the UI doesn't look nice, defence of the UX gets in the way.


Kudos for taking the time to capture the detailed reponse, more than I am likely to make at this time of night / morning. And I'll accept defeat in the UI / UX argument, you have certainly done more research than I am likely to do.

Change is not easy. Few user intefaces have captured that gold ring. It was daunting to look at HE when I first moved from SmartThings. HA was the same feeling. Wink without the help of another automation application (like Stringify) wasn't easy, or was just impossible to do anything more than a very simple automation. In my opinion Wink also wasn't that great looking either, but history looks different in the rear view mirror. :wink:

So true...still on Wednesday's underwear. Oops...TMI? :wink:


I want to make a reference to cheese, but feels inappropriate now...

For anyone thinking I am making some crass reference, which would not be uncommon, there is a more appropriate link in this case...


Sorry, but you said Devices page only. And that's what I was emphasizing. Now if you wanted to compare apples and oranges, I can't argue with the outcome. If you had said UI vs. UI, I may have suggested to revisit your comparison in 5 years from now.


I'll say it. I have done far more with Hubitat in the area of Automation and Control than I ever even considered doing with ST (and with ST I thought I was hot stuff.. not even close. Still not. But I'm learning and doing far more every day. And for the record, I do have a wife, who admittedly puts up with a certain amount of trial and error, as long as I warn her the trials are happening. But if not, or It takes too long to get right (more than a week) it's time to shut it down and start over. I'm still trying to earn back the WAF point I lost from Alexa Hunches (and Alexa was her idea).


LOL. If were talking hub performance and ease of creating automations, I'm good. :+1:

If we're really talking

I'll let the pictures speak

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Welcome to the group Clay... :wink:


You need to switch the HA UI in grid view...Wait you cannot, then switch Hubitat in List view LOL

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30 - 40 BobbyD....


You're making this a pissing match my friend. It's opinion, not fact. Grid view is useless to me. Feel free to enjoy it on your own. :wink: :v:


And the radar says....



While I would find a dashboard or two useful on a wall mounted iPad for example for quick glance at a few statistics, I primarily use my hub for full automation without any dashboard needs. The dashboard views would be “nice to have” but not necessary. With that in mind, I do have a concern about an improved UI / Dashboard experience and that is more graphics and fancy looks come at the cost of memory utilization and we all know everyone complains when memory gets utilized too heavily. So I’m wondering if the current platform could even handle the fancy UI / Dashboards based on its existing CPU and Memory built in.

Just blame one of my drivers and enjoy the new UI.... :wink:

But seriously... Eh... Maybe it's a user management exercise... if improvements use a bit more resources.... explain it... But I get your point, that will be something worth doing in order to downplay users concerns if that is the impact of any changes... Not to say that is a definite outcome of changes in the UI.

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Ha, ha, ha. That was the point, man, it's all a pissing match and about as on-topic as where this thread has wandered off. There are differences and similarities, advantages and disadvantages to every system.

More power to those who find their sweet spot among various platforms, and kudos for those who support Hubitat. As @bravenel mentioned above, Hubitat will continue to make efforts in improving the UI. The future of home automation is bright, and cannot wait to see what the next 5 years will bring.

For now, it's time to close this thread as there is not much else that can be said, at this time. Thank you everyone who has shared ideas and suggestions. This is the community spirit that will bring many good things to our smart homes!