Will Hubitat support Matter? [Spoiler: YES]

I think where the train is departing from will depend on how quickly we need to react..... Some trains travel quicker than others... :wink:


The result of everyone standardizing matter with different version of the standard


It's like the designers had done it before.... Still... Impressive to watch....


I remember when that was on the news many years ago in the UK. It was used to demonstrate that nuclear waste was fine to be transported by rail freight (they were clearly confident of the containment vessel)

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We already have that. They call it "Zigbee."


It's still very early in the game...


I agree. Matter is a lot of talk and devices that need a lot of updating but Zigbee works today. When Matter matters, I am sure Hubitat will deal work with it.


At this point will matter pass on information to the cloud or will it keep it local?

Matter is all local. What a Matter Controller device from Amazon, Google, Apple, Samsung, etc... does with the data from the Matter devices is completely up to them... Hint - they will send it to their cloud servers, of course! :wink:


What's frustrating at this point is the market media blitz that Matter backers are able to sustain (deep pockets) has the potential to cause great pause to the current momentum in the existing kit market.

If it truly is a solution to all woes in the space, if it truly is built upon the best of what has been learned from Zigbee (et al.), AND if it truly has the backing of the powerhouses in the market... then one would assume V1.0 should be nothing but stellar, solid, and have a solidarity of support of all participating parties.

It use to be really hard to get the ball rolling behind one standard and keep it rolling to the benefit of consumers and integrators. Looks like it STILL IS even when the ball supposedly is just a step change from one already rolling. Often times early failure indicates the step is too great or the backing isn't as sound as it seemed.


Matter is local. Yes but google hubs and speakers refuse to do anything if they are not able to access the internet. What would happen to your "local" stuff in that case?

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Devices are local, this doesn't mean automations are..


Quite confusing. What is realy local if you can't event turn a light on without the internet. (assuming someone only have google as a controler)... Maybe they would all need a Hubitat matter controler :wink:.

Apple HomePods run all their automations locally too. But yeah, a Hubitat is the superior automation platform.

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Maybe wait and see to prevent following the train...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ltFR_A7lnFY

This implies a user interracting with the device via a dashboard or app of some sort, this could be local or cloud, a true automation requires a diffferent level of local processing, which could be local, but more than likely will be via cloud on many platforms.

Would using matter on lets say devices attached to the TUYA hubs but blocking the tuya hub from internet access still allow the devices to work from hubitat (or other matter controller)?

I think we've circled 'round to ...wait for it...

"It depends."

Glad we could clear that up for you. :wink: :smiley:


I am using hue's matter support (currently in beta) to talk to HomeKit. It works much better than the hue native HomeKit support. I have no way of knowing if/when the hue skill on Alexa will cut over to matter. Amazon chose to use vendor specific skill for matter support, which is odd, since HomeKit doesn't care. I just add accessory, select matter, and pair, and done. I want the same for Hubitat. then my anything that talks matter can talk to hubitat (within reason) without specialized drivers. The Matter protocol matters when it comes to the future of smart homes.

In the case of HomeKit, the automations are local. According to Amazon's Matter development video, their automations would be local too, and that is why Matter will only be supported on their more powerful devices. Thread will only be available on the devices that can also do Zigbee, from what I was watching. I personally think HE is the best matter controller, and HomeKit and Alexa, and other smart speaker / home assistants are better in their role of being assistants -- but Matter is great there, to not have to rely on any one hub/bridge to make things work. Everything speaks directly -- that's what I want to see.