Will Hubitat support Matter? [Spoiler: YES]

So just to be clear, you're saying he's wrong?

I'm sure there are ways to work around and simplify, but a system that relies on all their customers keeping track of Homekit & Matter codes just seems really odd, and a potential support nightmare. I may not understand the context very well, so maybe it's not as bad as it sounds, but it sounds terrible. :slight_smile:

Yes. I’m saying you don’t need to save the QR code.

For example, as part of the spec, if you save a matter device to HomeKit, HomeKit will save that code and you can use HomeKit to bring it up again.

It’s honestly not bad. HomeKit has used a similar system for years - it adds security. It means you have to have physical access to the device to add it to your home automation system. Usually printed directly on the device

Samsung seems to be going all-in on thread/matter, with a a new puck at CES they want in every room, and built-in integration to most of their appliances.

RIP Z-wave - it's the end for you if Samsung has their way...

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Nah. Z-wave has joined Matter. And there will always be those of us that think Matter is flawed in its current implementation.


Not in this house. I will NEVER buy a Samsung hub again. I am working on getting out of their ecosystem altogether. They got rid of everything that made them better and unique in almost every market they are in lately. Phones - No more MST for mobile payments. No reason to use them when Google pay just works better now. And, they have started restricting ability to do things like turn off optimization. It is getting harder and harder to tell them from iPhone. Watches - Yeah, they got rid of Tizen and bricked a slew of watches with a recent update. Hub - They started as an open platform and wrecked it (just look at the number of recent converts to Hubitat)

If Samsung gets into matter and dominates, the more likely statement is that the writing will be on the wall for Matter.


A very limited way.. SiLabs has bridge software that supports a very limited subset of command classes.. But yes, there is a path for Z-Wave to Matter.


Looks like the Matter train is gaining momentum!

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New hip techie buzzword to add to the collection! Along with Cloud, Agile, MVP, First Principals and so forth..


edit: I wonder if "Matter Adjacent" will become a thing!! :rofl:


I think where the train is departing from will depend on how quickly we need to react..... Some trains travel quicker than others... :wink:


The result of everyone standardizing matter with different version of the standard


It's like the designers had done it before.... Still... Impressive to watch....


I remember when that was on the news many years ago in the UK. It was used to demonstrate that nuclear waste was fine to be transported by rail freight (they were clearly confident of the containment vessel)

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We already have that. They call it "Zigbee."


It's still very early in the game...


I agree. Matter is a lot of talk and devices that need a lot of updating but Zigbee works today. When Matter matters, I am sure Hubitat will deal work with it.


At this point will matter pass on information to the cloud or will it keep it local?

Matter is all local. What a Matter Controller device from Amazon, Google, Apple, Samsung, etc... does with the data from the Matter devices is completely up to them... Hint - they will send it to their cloud servers, of course! :wink:


What's frustrating at this point is the market media blitz that Matter backers are able to sustain (deep pockets) has the potential to cause great pause to the current momentum in the existing kit market.

If it truly is a solution to all woes in the space, if it truly is built upon the best of what has been learned from Zigbee (et al.), AND if it truly has the backing of the powerhouses in the market... then one would assume V1.0 should be nothing but stellar, solid, and have a solidarity of support of all participating parties.

It use to be really hard to get the ball rolling behind one standard and keep it rolling to the benefit of consumers and integrators. Looks like it STILL IS even when the ball supposedly is just a step change from one already rolling. Often times early failure indicates the step is too great or the backing isn't as sound as it seemed.