Wifi Schlage Encode Work around

I made the switch from ST. I want to know if any one has a step by step how to get my Schlage Wifi Lock to work. I used a virtual switch to have ST to trigger Alexa to lock and unlock. Does someone has this set up and can you please provide a step by step ?

You can do the exact same thing with Hubitat... Just be aware that the 'Virtual Switch' you used on SmartThings was actually two devices in one - a switch + contact sensor. Turning the virtual switch ON would have set the contact senor state to OPEN, and turning the virtual switch to OFF would have set the contact sensor state to CLOSED. This is because Alexa Routines cannot be triggered by a 'switch' changing state, but can be triggered by a Contact Sensor or Motion Sensor.

So... you have a few options... You can add a Virtual Device of Type 'Virtual Contact Sensor' using Hubitat's built-in drivers. Then, expose this device to Alexa, and use it as a trigger for an Alexa Routine (which is turn can be used to control your WiFi Lock.) In order to change the state of the Hubitat Virtual Contact Sensor from OPEN to CLOSED, you would use RULE MACHINE, to execute a 'Custom Action' to call the virtual contact sensor's 'open()' or 'close()' commands as necessary. This solution requires no custom code whatsoever.

Another option would be to find and use one of the Hubitat Community Drivers have combines a Switch + Contact Sensor, just like you used on ST. Here is an example driver that you could use...

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Also, I see you posted almost the exact same question a 8 days ago, received numerous suggestions from the community, and never responded back...

Please do not post the same question twice... and please respond back to the community when others attempt to assist you.

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