I just added a TP-Link wifi adapter to my Hubitat and was wondering if there was a way to monitor the wifi signal strength? I just got the Hubitat over the weekend and I'm trying to determine the optimal placement for it, for Zwave, Zigbee and wifi signal strength. My router is not in a centrally located part of my house.
Curious, what WiFi adpter did you purchase? I was not aware of any adapters that could mimic a hardwired ethernet cable. I would be interested in what you found. Or are you using an access point?
Latest major update added support for a couple TP link devices. In the release notes...
Nothing I am aware of on Hubitat. Does your router show anything?
I suggest you use something like wifi analyzer or netspot on your phone to check signal strength.
In Settings -> Networking there is now an option to install Wifi adapter drivers. There is also a link there to three different TP-Link adapters. I went with the first one (TP-Link AC600). You'll need a micro USB OTG cable since the Hubitat doesn't have a standard USB port. I bought this one: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07FY9Z9GD/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
Seems to work fine so far. I did have to update the address reservation in my router config since the MAC address changed.
Unfortunately there doesn't seem to be anything that shows signal level on my Orbi RBR50/RBS50 mesh router and satellite setup. I can't find any IOS apps that show signal level; I'll have to use my laptop I guess.