Widget support in dashboards

Is there a way to import a widget (not a picture) in a dashboard tile?

For example https://widget.airnow.gov/aq-flag-widget/?a=today&z=98008&n=BELLEVUE is a widget that renders:

You could try an iframe tile, something like this driver...

	definition( name: "HTML Device", namespace: "tchoward", author: "Thomas Howard") {
        capability "Actuator"
		// Indicate what capabilities the device should be capable of
		attribute "html", "string"
        command "setHTML", ["String"]

def setHTML(str) {
    def event = createEvent(name: "html", value: """<iframe style="width: 100%; height: 100%;" src="${str}"></iframe>""");
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That did the trick. Thanks a lot!

I tried this but how come the widget does not seem to work in an iframe? See screenshot.

I figured it out ... eventually.
I had to enable cookies for the airnow API under the site settings of the Hubitat Dashboard in my browser.