Why Would You Buy a C-8?

That is exactly what I plan to do with the C7 that currently hold my devices. The other C7 I currently have is the one that houses all the rules, automations, etc.

Cheaper at Digikey , 793 instock.


Z-WAVE 700 UZB-7 USB STICK](https://www.digikey.com/en/products/detail/silicon-labs/SLUSB001A/9867108?s=N4IgTCBcDaIF4HcCGA3ApgAgM4BcCWAxgNYgC6AvkA)

Just make sure regardless of where/how you mount it that the antennas are vertical

Well, as long as you follow the pdf you'll be fine. I'm no programmer either and i felt it very easy. Just remember not to confuse hex with dec on the item numbers.

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If you mount the C-8 such that the antenae are to the left or right of the hub, and point 1 up and the other down, you could still have them in the proper alignment.


Complete impulse buy (and I already have the shipping notice). It looks like I'll have a spare C7 to sell in a couple of days!

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I am going to buy one and migrate the one C-7 that has the radio's enabled to it. I get really good coverage right now in my house with the hubs in the basement. Most 1st floor devices connect directly to hub and second floor just routes through 1st floor devices. But darn I need to buy a new POE adapter with USB C to connect it to my swtich.

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That is actually not too bad. I checked out buying directly from Hubitat website using the cheapest shipping option to Canada and it came to $235CAN. Besides taking a risk with cheap USPS/CP shipping, you would likely pay another 13% HST on top of the hub price ($204 CAN).
Go Aartech!!! :grinning:

An 8x10 picture frame placed over the hub will keep the proverbial cat in the bag.

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As long as it isn't a metal frame :slight_smile:


Question about the external antennas:

Both appear to be identical. How do they work? Is one dedicated to Z-Wave while the other is for Zigbee. Or does Zigbee and Z-wave use both or either antenna depending on the situation? Or are these antennas for the WiFi/Bluetooth radios only?

I just ask because both antennas seem to be sized for a 2.4Ghz wavelength. An antenna tuned for 900Mhz Z-Wave should be longer than an antenna tuned for 2.4Ghz..

Or keep it as a spare, or run both and split the loads...

They are dual band antennas. That said they are independent of one another (and physically interchangeable). The one closest to the USB-C port is Zigbee, the other is z-wave and the wifi antenna is internal.


The better range, and then I can relegate my C7 to the detached garage so I can finally use ZWave stuff up there.


You may find you don't even need to do that. The range improvement with the C8 is pretty dramatic.

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So, the antennas are an improvement on both receive and transmit? The devices aren't changing.

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...if you mount the hub on the wall with the logo facing up is it sideways or is it correct? :sunglasses:




@velvetfoot In addition you can now adjust the power and sensitivity of the zigbee radio. As you increase power you also increase sensitivity and potentially interference so there are trade-offs but it is nice to have the additional flexibility.


Hub delivered this morning.

Let it acclimate indoors for several hours, since it likely spent a very cold night in the back of a UPS truck.

C-8 hub installed, recovered my config from the cloud backup, made a couple updates to dependent Maker API apps, and we're back in business.

Disabled Zigbee and z-wave on the C-7 before shutting it down.
I'll figure out hub mesh and the other items another day.