Why not outlets in Groups?

Why can't Outlets/SmartReceptacles be included in Groups? After all, a SmartReceptacle has the same functionality as a SmartSwitch: On and Off. So why can't it be part of a Group. I can work around this by retyping the SmartReceptacle as a SmartSwitch, but why should I have to do this extra work? Sounds like a bug in HE that should be fixed.

This does work in general. What driver are you using for these devices?

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Outlets are switches, and should present the command on and off, and the attribute "switch", which is either on or off. There is no separate capability for an outlet. If you have a custom driver, assuming that it offers these commands and attribute, then simply add capability "switch" to it.

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Oops! Was that functionality recently added? When I built my net back then I could not add outlets to a Group unless I retyped them as switches. Can now.

No. Outlets have always been switches.