Why it MATTERs (see what i did there)

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Paul Hibbert has a pretty level headed video on Matter. The important take away... it's going to cost a company $20,000 per year to participate, and seeing as Matter is going to be used primarily by hubs, that will likely have an impact on HE.

Small guest appearance by a Hubitat Elevation at the beginning of the video.


...Is the impact on competition purportedly in the interest of interoperability.

This would be an interesting topic for a Round Table discussion on Hubitat Live (but if I were them I'm not sure I'd touch the subject in a frank video) @mike.maxwell

I wonder, just wonder, how far down the road of interoperability we'd be if ALL the players would just adhere (better) to the existing standards with some evolution of course. If Hubitat can make an affordable box that goes a long way towards talking to most of what's out there already...then it makes you wonder if there isn't just a tightening-up-the-ship that all the players could do to play better with each other....INSTEAD OF putting another layer on top.

I further wonder....if ZigBee and Z-Wave aren't going away....if "Matter" could provoke those that employ the two Z's to actually TIGHTEN-THEIR-ADHERANCE to those standards (and perhaps more conformal APIs) as improved conformity would be a means to assure improve interoperability. In other words, the revenge of the low (but mighty) totem pole players to unite IN THE FACE of "Matter".

Like I said, it would be interesting to hear Hubitat's perspective, but I'd understand why they might not be ready to share it.

P.S. Paul Hibbert could have a life in Consumer's Advocate TV if he ever got tired of Technology. It is interesting that he picked up on a common "trash talk line" that Matter seems to be pumping into the press dis-information channels.

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It was only a matter of time... :wink:

Comcast's Press Release:

Thread is built on top of Zigbee. Matter is going to work with Thread. I suspect that anything that can support Thread can also support Zigbee.

Zigbee/Zwave "gee we didn't expect that our design would actually be used so we didn't really demand compliance to use our logos".

Matter "we cant make money off what's out there so we're inventing something "new" so we can demand licensing fees."

Example: The range of "compliant" zigbee/zwave devices by "big" mfgs versus the range of devices by Chinese mfgs with half-a** compliance.

Well, zwave does require some level of certification/testing before you can use their logo. You can argue the testing/cert isn't sufficient/adequate to ensure perfect function, but it is a bit different than zigbee in that regard.

As zwave had tighter control of the chip supply, too, they were able to keep better wraps on it than zigbee which has lots of chips/manufacturers that anyone can use at any time (and largely however they wanted to pre-zigbee 3.0). Of course that limited chip manufacturer options is also one of the things that made zwave devices a bit more expensive than zigbee - well that and regional hardware differences in zwave pre-700.

True regarding zwave, I over reached there.

But that still doesn't negate the lack of variety of devices from big manufacturers.

Smart smoke detectors for example of either protocol.

Look at ethernet as an example. Originally it was based on thick coax, then thin and they had limited deployment in the consumer environment but it really took off with 10baset and now were pushing 10Gbps and tv's have ethernet ports. And as long as your device followed the published standard and without the "country club fees" it could connect to any network.

Matter is just a marketing scheme by the big tech companies to gain more control, money, limit choices and intrude in peoples lives. IMO.


I converted all my stuff back to token ring


ARCnet on twisted pair :sunglasses:

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Matter TCP/IP is just a marketing scheme by the big tech companies to gain more control, money, limit choices and intrude in peoples lives. IMO.

Matter is just a way for devices to communicate over IP. Nothing more, nothing less. If you use Google Home or Alexa they already know when your door opens or your lights come on.

Here's a real world example of potential light at the end of the tunnel. Did you know that most of the large TV makers still have serial port controls? The larger AV integration companies like Control4 still use them because they are more reliable than the TV makers' IP implementations. Amazon is apparently "encouraging" the TV makers to adopt Matter. Everyone will win if it works. TV makers, Google, Amazon, Control4, Hubitat. End users win especially because they will be offered a broader range of reliable controls.

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I'm still trying to get my 25 pin lpt1 card to work

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Modules coming for Yale/Emtek locks:

Still waiting for Yale to release a S2-compatible ZW module. Rumors swirled a while ago it was in the works, but trail has been cold lately. Le sigh...

At this point I imagine they'd be looking to the 800 series chipset. Which seems to be significantly affected by supply chain issues.


More delays!

All this means that it’s going to be at least six months until we see any Matter devices on shelves, probably longer. That timeline is just for devices from the 50 companies that are currently in the testing process, which are allowed to test their products through the SVE. Others will have to wait until the SVE is complete to begin their testing.




The latest setback is due to ‘unprecedented interest’ says the CSA

That is a laugh.

I have been saying this for a long time now that it would be years (if ever) before we get Matter. The whole concept of a standard (hah) is being bastardized by the big members, Amazon Apple and Google.

In my opinion, here isn't a compelling reason either on the consumer or manufacturing side of things to use Matter over Zigbee or even Wifi at this point. And that whole "you don't need a hub with Matter" (but do need a thing called a coordinator) is a bunch of nonsense.

[Insert XKCD comic about standards here]


I found this commentary useful. Matter is coming even if it's a few months later. Matter will commodify the connection of basic devices. The question is how companies are able to adjust to the changes and convince people to buy their products.


Good article... She brings up a lot of points I've wondered about from the beginning about Matter being a double-edged sword for participating manus... The allure of wider customer base, but then how to get those customers to use your widget instead of the now-many-other-available widgets.

I have a feeling she's right about manus locking any cool/differentiating features behind their own app. Then we're pretty much back where we started - maybe a wee bit better for folks who are just doing a basic/simple smart room or studio apartment, but I'm not sure Matter is going to be the huge smarthome game-changer it's cracked up to be -- greed will intervene.

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