Why is my mode set to away?

Hi, I am trying to troubleshoot my mode manager status. I see that it is currently set to away, even though I am at home. My presence sensors are two phones(mine and my wife's). I can see that both phone devices are showing status as "present", but LOCATION_MODE_CHANGE seems to be at "away". Please see the attached pictures. What might I have configured incorrectly? The phones are set to always allow location permission.

Has this worked in the past, or is this a new automation?

I am trying to setup Mode for the first time, so this is a new attempt.

Here is my setup. Maybe it will give you a clue. I think you need to have the mode based on presence to set the mode at the correct times.

Did you change some of the settings in this app at some point? I have seen people add or remove a setting, and things didn't work correctly after that.

The solution was to delete the app, reinstall it, and go back in and set the settings.