Why is everything being skipped

No matter what I try, everything gets skipped, can't figure it out

What in the sam hill am I missing?
Edit: Sorry if I offended anyone named sam or hill :slight_smile:

I think it might be because your second IF is falling under your first IF.
Either put an END-IF before your second IF or change your second IF to an ELSE-IF but make sure it doesn't fall under your first IF.
IF that makes sense........

End If, easily added

I wouldn't have expected everything to be skipped due to a missing End-If but then again, I don't code :frowning:

I'll check it again tonight

You now have two independent IF-THEN statements.
Before you had an IF-THEN statement nested inside another IF-THEN statement. In other words the second IF-THEN will never be evaluated as if the first IF-THEN is true, you will exit the rule.
If the second IF-THEN is true, you will never get to it as the first IF-THEN is false and therefore you will never get to the second IF-THEN.

You could make the first IF-THEN statement a simple condition which doesn't require an END-IF and removes two lines from your rule. It would look like

IF (NOT Mode is Sleep) Exit Rule


Thanks, I have never used simple conditions :slight_smile:

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