Why have Hubitat stopped posting known issues?

Why have Hubitat stopped Creating a “known issues” topic for each major release?

It’s very hard to keep track bugs in releases without this, because folk linked issues to the topics making them easier to find.

Currently the last 2 releases are per much unusable for many of us eg:

  • RM rules don’t work properly
  • matter RBB bulbs won’t change brightness levels

So please bring these back and pin them for easy access. The last one I can find was for 2.3.8.x

@bobbyD @support-agent @gopher.ny

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I think the matter bulb issue should be fixed in the current beta version. I was testing it earlier today.

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That’s not the point, it was helpful when we had a single topic we could go to for known issues.

Bugs happen, I get that, but not having a central list of major known issues, like we used to, is poor form.


We didn't stop, but 2.3.9 has had an unusual rapid cycle and bugs were fixed before the Known Post would have been updated. Once this cycle is closed, you can expect the Known Issues post to be updated again.


Thank you, that will be appreciated.

@bertabcd1234 Spoilsport! :wink: