Why doesn't this rule install? I'm confused

All we are doing here is reporting what the device is sending, we are doing no conversions or any math on the reported values, except to convert Celsius to or from Fahrenheit based on hub settings. This piece of code is used in most drivers that report temperature and has not been changed in a long time.

Have not been contacted by them on this device..


Darn... that's a shame. I really liked the size and shape of this sensor. Oh well... zooz really went out of their way to discuss this issue with me and to ask me to revise my review once the issue has been resolved. I guess that won't be happening any time soon. Thanks for the info. What's funny though, zooz responding to my review on that link and they say they have been working with you guys and they did so publicly on that site.


What I would need is a capture of the packet that was sent to the hub when this happens, this can be done by putting the driver into debug mode and capturing the log. This is usually the case though of the z-wave spec not being followed properly by the manufacturer. One of the best examples of this is when a manufacturer uses an unsigned value where the spec specified signed values should be used. I donā€™t think that would be the case here as you can obviously have negative values in temperature reports.

I have been contacted by them on issues with their new 4-in-1 sensor, and there is a new driver for that going in the next release. But no one has mentioned anything related to this device.


Would you mind if I reached out to zooz rep I've been speaking with about this information? Maybe there is just some miscommunication happening here. Maybe it would be worthwhile for them and hubitat.


I wouldn't mind at all

Very cool... thank you again for the information and help. Much appreciated!



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