Why can't my C8 turn off a virtual switch?

As above.
Trying to restart it, settings style, takes me to the home screen in a couple of seconds.
Fastest reboot ever, not.
Shutdown has just been sitting there warning when to pull the plug, ~15 minutes.
Serves up the html, no device control.

As he reaches for the powercord...

Nevermind, :8081 reboot worked.

C8, .166, ZW and ZB radios on, been a flawless mesh, 8 sister hubs hubmeshed.

I’m having trouble following what you’re describing.

Your hub froze up while trying to reboot?

And you were able to successfully reboot it by using the diagnostic tool?


Yes, no device controll, the HTML aspect still worked.

And this issue persists?

Or rebooting from the diagnostic tool resolved the problem?


:8081 reboot seems to have resolved the issue.

May have to bump my auto reboot up from 120000 to 150000 that the dashboard last reported, memory.

You should track down what's chewing up your memory. I would also do a database rebuild on reboot.

5 C7's reboot at 120000 on an average of 5 to 6 days.
C8 may make it 4 to 5 days to 120000
A pair of C4's, 90 days.
I have been studying why for a couple of years!
No clue other than RM math kills them.

I would consider which one of your rules is doing it. The only time I reboot is when I do an update which is the majority of us. I would start disabling overly complicated rules and see how it affects things. My c7 hasn't been rebooted in 3 months. Running

Too lazy, generally when i get to this point, i buy another hub and load shed.
And support a system that is great.
At this point, i will be forced to make changes to the base network for an additional hub.
Not to mention a major cleanup of what has become quite the mess of cables...
If i had a clue where to look, it would be easier!

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Like I said, start with your rules. Simplify them