Who should i send the ota file to

We want to support OTA of our products on hubitat. So, who should i send the ota file to? And what is the e-mail address? thank you. @bobbyD @support @support_team


Who are we?

Third Reality, Inc. @mike.maxwell


Hi, @mike.maxwell I have sent the ota file to you via e-mail. Can you help to add ota files on hubitat to support OTA? Thank you.


Welcome to Hubitat!!! Since you just joined you should be able to change your name to something more recognizable like Third Reality John (I have no idea what your name is lol). This way it would also be possible to tag you in messages if that's ok with you.. .:slight_smile: Companies like Zooz and Frient and Iblinds do this as well.


OP’s been on the forum for a year, actually.

In that case, it’s still possible to change one’s forum handle, which I agree would make things less confusing for others. But @bobbyD would have to do that on OP’s behalf.


I thought they just joined

Agreed, this thread is confusing. It doesn’t reference the prior threads OP has created on this topic over the past year.


Well you know me, my reading comprehension in the morning is low (as is my afternoon reading comprehension. In fact it's only right on at 1:17 pm on tuesdays for about 13 seconds)

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Don’t worry, I got you something that should help.

I Do What I Want GIF by hero0fwar

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Ha! Great minds think alike. I reached out earlier in private to suggest the same thing :slight_smile:


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