Whitelist of allowed classes?

Where can I find the list of all whitelisted (or blacklisted?) classes?

Are there really no such lists? :thinking:

Tagging @gopher.ny as he would probably know best from the Hubitat Team...

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No published list I know of.

I'm sure hubitat has one internally though. They may/may not want to publish it (and maintain the list as evergreen) though. Don't know.


This post from Chuck--no longer on staff--claimed they'd publish the whitelist, but that was almost two years ago (shortly after they either implemented the whitelist or made it more restrictive; I can't remember how it was before this). Obviously, that hasn't happened, so I probably wouldn't count on it any time soon. But it looks like they were open to it at one point:

But his advice still stands: if there's something you want to do and you're used to Java, there might be a way to do in Groovy without the import you are used to using. Staff also are or at least were open to reasonable feedback on this list (though given that it's been two years and I don't recall any major changes recently, it might be safe to say that they consider it reasonable at this point).

In the meantime, I guess all you can do is try and see if it works. :slight_smile: If not, the community (and staff) may have some ideas if you have a specific goal you don't see a way to achieve as-is.


SynchronousQueue was added in 2.2.5 by @gopher.ny (requested by @jvm33, I think)

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Correct. And for those who are interested -- I've found the newly added SynchronousQueues to be very helpful in getting data from a device. I use these to transfer data back from the reporting handler to the original method that initiated the get. That way, you can treat the retrieving of data much more like synchronous programming. See my further explanation and code sample:


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