What's wrong here? - Rule Element Not Actioned

OMG I've just realised what's happened. You're wrong but also right....

Last night after the old RM4 rule had started I stopped it and re wrote it in RM5.1. So there's nothing in past logs for that rule as it didn't start until today.

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Ignoring the cock up I detailed in the last reply, unfortunately this morning I've gone full circle.

The rule triggered at Sunset yesterday - the light should have gone off at 23:59 yesterday and didn't.

Again there are no logs for the rule. Past logs does not show a link for that rule so I can't filter the events to see what happened. If I leave past logs set to "all" and click "more" repeatedly, it only goes back to 03:40 AM.

How do I get my rules to provide "past" logs?

Look at your logs and you will see a lot of info that you really don't need to know most of the time. I mentioned in a earlier post about turning off descriptive text logging of devices. Should be a slider switch on the device page you turn off. Also if you have any debug logging turned on for devices and apps that are working. That can put a lot of info in the log that you don't need right now. By getting rid of that type of stuff it will leave you more room for the stuff you want to look at.

Also something that Bruce mentioned. You could temporarily modify your rule to use time constraints that will run in the course of few minutes and verify that works.

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Debug logging is turned off for everything but at the end of the day I need logs so that when something doesn't work (which will be a mistake by me 99% of the time) I can take a look to see what did/didn't happen.

No one seems to explain why I have no past logs for RM rules - the logging options are selected, the rule runs and yet nothing is logged.

The original post about one LED light not turning off is now really a side issue. The issue now is "Where are my logs"

You said your log only went to 3:40am. so it obviously filled up. There is only so much space available. You said you turned off debug logging, but what about descriptive text logging. That puts a lot of data in your log. Also how many rules do you have logging setup on. If a rule is working you should turn that off.

Ok that makes a bit more sense now. I have some apps for my heating that generate a lot of events - I'm not even sure if I can stop that but I'll take a look. It should be self explanatory but what will I lose exactly with descriptive text logging off? I want things logged and I want enough information to see what's going on.

It might be better if there was a way to set some sort of log server in HE so that ALL the information was written to a file on an external device. I can do that some of my other devices such my router and my CCTV system.

In your logs you will see many listed as info, That is generated by descriptive text logging. Most of that stuff you don't need to know unless the device is causing issues, and if it is you can turn it back on.

Thermostats generate a lot of stuff in your log. My Ecobee suite manger and Echo speaks puts lot of stuff in the log. You just have to decide do you really need it.

If something is generating a bunch of data turn off the logging temporarily if you want to keep it, but I bet if you turn off descriptive logging for switches and simple sensors you will get much more log info from stuff your really want to see.

From what I can see theres no way of disabling the logging for my thermostats. Nothing in the preferences. Would altering the event and state history sizes do any good?

If the driver supports adjusting the logging it would be in the section above your screenshot. In the preferences area.

Yeah there's nothing there unfortunately - I just wondered whether those other settings would help if lowered.

Yuck. I hate it when driver authors do (or don't do, rather) that.

That said you could dump all events to an external database somewhere if you are so inclined. There's a few guides on this forum for dumping data to influxdb, for example. But obviously it takes an external always on computer, and a little technical know how to implement.

Also very easy to do it with node-red if you use that.

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The people that log externally typically use the log websocket:
ws://{your Hub IP}/logsocket

And then either go to logging software like splunk or graylog, or bring it into node-red or a small node.js app and dump it to a flat file.

Yeah this is something that someone ported across from an ST community driver and app.

I do have some devices where I can happily switch off descriptive text logging such as all the virtual devices I've brought in from my alarm system with MQTT. The topic on those updates in blocks so if 1 of 8 devices goes from open to closed the other 7 resend their current status.

I'll maybe have to look at a way of dumping the logs elsewhere as I'd like to be able look at history if an issue occurs. I have a Raspberry Pi that I'm using for Mosquitto and Homebridge so maybe I can get something running on that.

As an example. I have went through and turned off descriptive text logging for many devices at this point, but not all. In the screenshot below this is a Iris motion sensor in my garage. My logs go back at this point to around 3:00am on the 1st. I went all the way back to the beginning of the log and there is about 400 lines being generated by this device over the entire log and most of it is the battery update. You can go to the device event page and get this info if you need it. The first 400 lines of data in my current log is about an hour, so turning off descriptive text for this device will get me a about an additional hour of data from other devices.