I've just set up 133 devices migrating from Smartthings. I don't understand all these "DISCOVER"s. When I press on them there's no change. All the other devices have their names except these. Is this normal? They seem to have routs assigned to them, but I don't know what device they're associated with.
Sure could use some newbie help here.
These appear to be zwave devices that didn't complete the inclusion process or for some other reason don't have HE devices connected to them.
What process did you use for the migration?
I excluded from Smarttings, factory reset, then did the inclusion in HE. Total pain in the β β β , but it was the only way.
If they're not connected to any device in HE, how do they have paths? Would I have to get rid of them?
Did you have some devices that did not complete the inclusion process (or where you repeated the process for a device)?
Unfortunately yes. They did pair, but you're saying these are remnants of those incompletes? If so, then should I delete them if I can?
Yes you will want to press REFRESH until you get a remove button, then press remove. It does not always work, the hub is at the mercy of the zwave backend. You may need to power off the device that was attempting to be paired when this extra entry was created. If you sort the list by the node ID, it will typically be the node right after it if you tried to pair, failed, then tried again.
Had you known before, you possibly could have just pressed discover and the device would have finish pairing, but now you have to remove them if the device is paired under another node already.
I've just started the removal process. If a new device being added fails, I'll make sure it didn't leave anything behind before I continue to bang along with new devices... making it worse.
You may want to look at this post. It covers ghosts as well as some other rules of thumb. Ghosts will kill your mesh..
Thanks... I'll take a look.
There were some stubborn "mystery" and ghost devices. I removed them via USB stick with Z-Wave Controller. I'm testing the 130+ devices though HE and so far only a few are giving issues. I may remove, then re-add them to clear up the last of my mess. As I've stated before, if anything fails upon adding (not much left), I'll make sure I check Z-Wave details for ghost before I continue. The majority that are work snap on and off instantly.
Post your entire z-wave details page. We may be able to spot more issues.
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