What's this error? No signature of method: GenericZigbeeOutlet.autoPoll() is applicable for argument

No signature of method: GenericZigbeeOutlet.autoPoll() is applicable for argument types: () values: [] (method autoPoll)

some of my devices, mostly from Coolseer are getting these errors every few minutes, perhaps it's the devices reporting periodically which is a good thing so that I know the devices are still online, however im again, im getting the above error.

These devices are basic plugs and switches that otherwise works perfectly...

ZB Breaker:

  • endpointId: 01
  • application: 46
  • manufacturer: _TZ3000_mkmb4sms
  • model: TS0001
  • powerCluster: 0B04

ZB Plug

  • endpointId: 01
  • application: 4D
  • manufacturer: _TZ3000_cehuw1lw
  • model: TS011F
  • powerCluster: 0B04

Drivers used: Generic Zigbee outlet, Generic Zigbee switch, Tuya metering plug = they all work except have this polling error.

Some of my other plugs polls fine w/o errors:

You were probably using a custom driver previously for the outlets that are throwing an error. That driver probably created a scheduled job, which is still scheduled but does not have a "handler" available in the stock driver you switched to.

To fix, switch temporarily to the "Device" driver, run the "Delete All Scheduled Jobs" command, then switch back to the Generic Zigbee Outlet driver or whatever one you intend to use for that device.


Tried your suggestion, and yes indeed this was the case! Error fixed now, thank you!!!

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