On analog Alarm Panels, it's possible to set an ALARM DELAY which is quite a good feature to have in order to avoid waking up the neighborhood with false alarms.
When an armed sensor is triggered, we set the panel to have a 15 second delay before alarming.... and during this delay period, the panel would beep repeatedly indicating it's about to go off and ring all alarms/sirens etc etc.... This gives the user a chance to cancel it if it was triggered by accident. On most occasions when user is unsure what caused the alarm, user would cancel it first, but keep the panic button on hand.... user would then investigate and if it's a legit situation, user will manually trigger the real alarm sounds.
I would like to mimic this behavior and experience on Hubitat.
I have Lowe’s Iris keypads that work with HSM to do just that. The keypads beep for x seconds during the configured delay, before the HSM alert is actually triggered and other configured actions occur.
I’m not sure how many devices can do that though, the Iris keypads are no longer manufactured.
I'm still trying to figure out how to do this well.. anyone feel free to chime in
At the moment what i have is virtual switch, that turns on when alarm is triggered..
Turning this switch on triggers 2 rules
activates all siren's but just uses the beeping sound @ 50% volume for 15 seconds...
activates all sirens @ 100% but uses a 16 second delay, just enough time for the RULE 1 to finish its warning beeps
When system is DISARMED
this Virtual Switch is turned off
OFF command sent to all sirens, and RULE NAMED: "Disarmed Sound" is triggered, which tells siren to play another sound that indicates system has been disarmed..