What's Next for HE?

Here is my view where I would take the HE product line.

  • C9 Higher Performance Box - More CPU \ memory and storage capability (Removable Flash)
  • Build SNMP engine Receiver
  • Build Ping\ICMP Management
  • Build a analytics engine collector and storage with web reporting (flash)
  • Build export to external data sources ODBC, XML, CRV
  • Build better SMS, EMAIL Notification engines w\ Report Formatting
  • Look to Ethernet PoE Device Automation IoT Standards
  • Partner \ Integrate Camera Security Systems -w / Motion / ID / Etc. aka like Verkada

Focus not just on Residential but Business and Service Provider expansion $$

Anything I missed?

Personally, having integrated my HE setup with an InfluxDB and Grafana setup, I feel like the options to produce reports / visuals are most likely best placed with external systems such as these. Could they be made easier by built-in integrations, I suspect so, but to have the recording and visuals capability build-in is, in my opinion, not something worth investing in, given the capability with systems outside of HE.

That said, would be happy if it were built-in... :slight_smile:

There's also the phrase horses for courses; someone who needs unfettered access to the underlying OS and hardware always has other options - openHAB, HA, etc. etc.

I'd rather stick with a sandbox that I feel comfortable in .....


I hope you realize that your list would appeal to about 1% of our customers.

An understanding of who our customers are.


A mention about available user created apps/drivers. What about including the Package manager into Hubitats installable apps. Or maybe just an external link to it. I think this would go a long way for newbies (and more experienced users) to get ahold of stuff. (Obviously it would have to be worked out with the author) But even If it were no longer made or upkept, it would be simple enough to remove the link in the next build.. Just an idea

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I didn't mean to suggest that we have root access or be able to update firmware, etc. I doubt there's much if any need for that sort of thing. Perhaps just removing some restrictions in Groovy? For example, if I do:

def sslsocketfactory = SSLSocketFactory.getDefault();

I get

Expression [MethodCallExpression] is not allowed: javax.net.ssl.SSLSocketFactory.getDefault()

Another post (Help squashing bug: Expression [MethodCallExpression] is not allowed - #2 by JustinL) suggests that HE's implementation of Groovy doesn't support classes, Yet I can do

def payload = new JsonSlurper().parseText(msg.payload);

so HE obviously supports the creation of (some) classes.

Is SSLSocketFactory (and presumably other socket stuff) not allowed because it could lead to uncontrolled resource consumption, or something along those lines?

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It about expansion of the Business Plan and customer base. I am simple residential user of Automation and I'm limited on revenue generation while doing things in a Enterprise or Service provider compliment maximizes revenue. The analytical engine Hubitat is building is smart and the code can be expanded. Take a look at HPE Aruba and what they are placing in the 84xx-86xx switching line.

Yes, this is true, and I agree with your assessment. Moving the business into that is a challenge for reasons other than the base product, or its specific feature set.

In the realm of realistic ideas, Iā€™m a fan of this tagging idea.


Try "opportunities for enhancement" if you're looking for a more positive way of saying "shortcomings" :smiley:


Better not do an App Store then. :man_shrugging:

Actually do what you want, obviously, but I would never put any app/driver of mine (that I want to monetize - free is a different story) in a store where the owners make no assurances whatsoever that they will even give a dev a courtesy head's-up on upcoming features that may invalidate all their work. Or at least give any kind of formal developer roadmap that would help them understand the same...

It is plain rude in a for profit store (again, free is different).

Like I said, it would present very odd disincentives. Not a good model unless we were willing to either stop innovating or pre-announce everything we decide to do, and would ascribe negative motives to us for developing something if some developer had already done something in that area. That's a bizarre dynamic, and I can't see us wanting either choice.


Y'all's choice. There are plenty of healthy working models of app stores out there. I don't see it as quite all/none on innovation vs communication.

Regardless. I love Hubitat, am very happy, and hope it continues to be wildly successful. :slight_smile:


I don't need a detailed roadmap with features and drop dates over a year.

But i would like something more insight into "themes" of what you're thinking of without requiring you to be too specific.
To make an example: this time period (quarter/month) the engineers are focusing on expanding device support.
this month/quarter we are focusing on improving multi-hub management (i'm thinking of hub mesh)
this month we are focusing on improving remote management and Hub Backup + improving hub hw upgrades. (the services just announced).

I think you should keep it super generic and high level, but i would enjoy that as a way to stay connected with the development of the product. The "flip it over the fence" mentality is makes me feel like im disconnected from the development process and i don't think is what you intended.

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I would push SiLabs to fix the Z-Wave Plus issues with pairing.


Thats good to hear! The only thing I miss from my old Vera controller is the simplicity in how some things where done plus the, to be honest, more nicer graphic interface of the hub.

Seems like we are overdue for a YouTube video... :smiley:

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What makes you think they're not already doing this?


This used to be called Hubitat Live on Youtube. It detailed upcoming enhancements to rule machine, creation of dashboards, etc.


Well as far as I know they have a reseller program but nothing else along those lines. I asked. I am an installer/consultant and would love to get marketing support as well as the ability to maintain my clients systems including reselling the backup services but keeping it under my company. I don't need to buy a truckload of HEs rather I need to be able to resell the backup services etc maybe some soft branding (my logo on the UI - something like that. Willing to pay a commercial license for something like that.