What Should I Do With a Second Raspberry PI?

Yup, i am! What do u use it for? Every app I see has cast and airplay

So @frmWink2Hubitat & @Vettester this is very cool thanks for the info!

So I just install the addon in HA?

Yup, it’s like 1 click

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If you do it might as well add wire guard vpn and ad guard. They are basically 1 click as well

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Yeah love WG - I have it running on an odroid (testing) AND on my OpnSense firewall... have not looked at ad guard.. thanks!

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What's the name of the addon? I see "Google Cast"...

Ad guard is pi hole, but a nicer ui. If u like WireGuard, I’d switch it over if it’s a pi 4. In h,a it’s easy to back up the whole config

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Aircast, it’s a “community add on”


Thanks - still get confused by "integrations" vs "addons"!!!

So that was FAR too easy... thanks again!!!!! Like you said - one click and just works. wow.


Just streaming music.

Y can’t u just use cast?

The apps I’m using to stream music don’t support cast.

I have ordered a third rpi, does that mean I should start a separate thread .... :grin:

For those interested... I have so far named my second rpi as an "Admin" server and used it to host Wireguard, with the intention to move other administrative tasks to this server such as HE backups.

The third one I intend to use for development purposes, not worrying about an SSD. I might test setting up containers for influxdb, grafana, and other apps I use. I can also test influxdb backups, which I haven't setup yet.

As well as those who have a second hub I an also interested in those who have more than two rpi"s...

That sounds good! I have a bunch of old RPi3's I've been messing around with - set up one with HomeAssistant, another with MQTT - As I previously mentioned my RPI4 has my "companion server" stuff on it like Node-RED, Homebridge etc. Wireguard is in 2 places - my Opnsense firewall and an Odroid (testing).

HomeAssistant has proven to be useful in providing Airplay services to chromecast and older Sonos devices. Thanks @frmWink2Hubitat & @Vettester


HA has a MQTT broker addon that works well.

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I installed the Mosquitto broker before I started mucking around with HA but that is good info to know. I am also using an MQTT broker node (Aedes) with Node-RED for triggering local "events" there...

One thing to consider from a server/admin perspective is there would come a point where running a lower powered x86 server becomes a better option. Particularly if you are running a bunch of VM's or dockers. I run Unraid on a x86 intel 2400 with 24GB of ram. It is old at this point but I run Node-Red, InfluxDB, Wireguard, Graphana, open VPN, a plex server, NAS which does Hubitat backups on it, home Assistant, Nginx reverse Proxy, Linux Motion for monitoring Cameras, and last WHS 2011.

My point is simply if you end up with a bunch of Raspberry Pi's there comes a point a low power computer becomes a better option. With that said i have 3 Pi 4's myself. I use a 8GB model as a kind of hone light weight desktop computer while the other are simply test systems. If you put the pies in any kind of critical role change the. Out from the flash card to use a usb3.0 connected hard drive. The MicroSD is fine for POC but will fail eventually if left in for a long time.


Although interestingly I have a few dedicated headless RPi's that have been serving a set of static videos read from a usb stick for over 3 years.. using raspberry-pi-video-looper...

still running on the original SDCard. Of course there aren't many writes that occur with this setup so probably that's the reason..

Were I to do it over or when these fail I will switch over to an external ssd - as previously mentioned I do like the Argon One M.2 case for this..


The lack of writes does help allot

Yep. The 8GB pie I have uses a 480GB SSD from PNY with a Argon One case. Got it about 2 months before the m.2 version was released. It really is a good case, the Flirc is a close second in my book.

Another cool idea you could do if you have enough pies is run docker in a cluster setup so if one fails the others take over the jobs. This probably needs either three or 4 pies though for proper redundency.

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